Xbox 360

This is abit random but does anybody know how to repair these ?

I have taken mine apart to fix the DVD drive lazer but now I have put it back together it won’t switch on. So I am mighty ■■■■■■ off about it and tearing my head apart thinking what have I done

Never taken an Xbox to bits but I have done loads of PS3’s, one thing you have to watch is that the ribbon ‘cables’ are inserted into the connectors properly, they’re easily forgotten too :blush: .

Thats why you should find a local repair shop who have experience and knowledge

I have repaured 100s of iPhones and a few laptops and sold on eBay. So I’m normally quite tech minded, just thought if I can do them I can do a Xbox

Thanks I will strip it again check all ribbons are in. Would a screw in the DVD drive that isn’t connected act as a earth maybe ? I think there’s one in there I forgot. If not I will check the ribbons

The odd screw can be forgotten, I’ve found with some PS3’s that all screws need to be in the BR player in order to tension it correctly, otherwise you get a warped player and lots of expensive sounds when it spins up.

When a repair doesn’t go as expected, best thing to do is to strip it again, and rebuild in stages testing where possible as you do so, I’ve even been known to take photos to refer back to when rebuilding.

Found the problem I backtracked and found I put power ribbon in the wrong way around :laughing: stupid mistake