hi all, i seem to get some what confused with this wtd, example due to being half asleep the other day, i was on a loading bay, i started work about 1.15am so the six hr rule would mean that come 7.15am a brk is needed for working time.

took approx 25 min on dock cuz got called to do some work.

and took 30 min on rtn to base about 10.30am, got grief from transport office due to 25min brk, and 30 min brk at base. tot = 55min brk

if working over 9hrs, can wtd brk be worked like this - 30min then 15 min = tot 45min

or doing 15 min slots etc.

my norm i take a hr a day, 30 - 30 etc, but being new agy/driver this company i do a bit of work for run a very tight ship, even pick u up for toilet brks etc.

any advice would be helpful


The guru will be here soon, but the 25 minutes you already took on the bay is enough as there is only a need to take 15 minutes at or before 6 hours work is completed.

They might pick you up for toilet breaks but they are talking out of their arse :stuck_out_tongue:

See my reply in the other thread in the PDF

See my reply in the other thread in the PDF

Seems like you have many replies HERE so I’ll add my comments in that one.