WTD - Nothing to see here, please move along

Time on loading bay’s does not count as rest and the same goes for waiting to get on a bay, unless they tell you how long they will be and you can get out of your vehicle and do what ever you want with your time.

From what I have read of the WTD this time can be classed as a Period of Availability so long as you know about it before it starts, and does not count towards the working hours.

If I am wrong here (don’t think I am!) no doubt someone will correct me :wink:

:smiley: It seems to me that your assumption that in effect nothing has changed, is quite correct. Bloody good job too! Things arehard enough without treating drivers like royalty! :laughing:

Time on loading bay’s does not count as rest and the same goes for waiting to get on a bay, unless they tell you how long they will be and you can get out of your vehicle and do what ever you want with your time.

Actually it does. If you’re not doing anything, i.e sat waiting whilst reading the newspaper or sat reading the newspaper/having a ■■■ etc whilst others load/unload you as they do at RDCs then legally you can count that as a rest peroid on your tacho and therefore also as a rest period for the WTD.

It worries me how many people don’t have a grasp of tacho regs outside of the basic driving hours requirements.

The current WTD has now been published in draft form and is in the News room for all to see. Draft form being the operative words!

The draft has been published for the industry to look at and then if some or any if it is objectional then you as a UK resident have the right to reply and attempt to change any part you feel is unfair, granted a single reply stating that you feel it is wrong because of part…blar blar, than it will be ignored, if 100 or 1000 transport workers/professionals all reply with the same opinion then maybe…just maybe, the powers to be will look at it and change it.

We live in a democracy, but unfortunatly the loudest voices are the only ones that get heard!

We live in a democracy, but unfortunatly the loudest voices are the only ones that get heard!

where have you heard this?

I know what one is, its where you VOTE for a politician of your choosing to carry out the policies you like, yes?

Blair claims the democratic will of the people gives him the right to do and impliment just about any law he likes, yet only 25% of the population actually voted for him.

I didnt agree to this directive, I have not agreed to any directive, I havent even agreed to anything, even being in europe.

OK enough of me whinging for now :angry: :angry: :angry:

Assuming the whole of the UK objects to this, Blair will agree with it. Do you think he cares about your views? he has his place in history to think about and this Iraq war hasnt done anything for him. He has to swallow everything Europe gives him, Euro, constitution, defence, foreign & security policy etc… the list is endless. So what if you object, you wont vote conservative, even if they saved this country from the unions, socialism and all the other rubbish that is now coming out of europe.

Im Michael Howard and I know nothing about this post (even if I agree with it) :smiley: :smiley: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

So what if you object, you wont vote conservative, even if they saved this country from the unions, socialism and all the other rubbish that is now coming out of europe.

Just an observation Rallie, it was the conservatives that took us into the EU. Heath lied, and it is on record, about the EU being a common market to get the referendum through when he knew quite well what the realities of the EU were. For the record, Ive never voted labour, and wouldnt dream of voting for bliar, but facts are facts and the EU membership of the UK is a child of the tories.

I thought you couldn’t count unloading time as a “break” as mentioned above even if your not unloading it, this and waiting to get on a bay is “duty time” although yeah you can put it one break and get away with it, more so if your waiting less so if your on the bay, like I do as I’m all about the early doors.

Could have sworn this was the case, been doing this for 4 years now and still don’t understand some of the hours rules and tbh I ignore some of it as I will probably do with this WTD as by the sounds of it, it’s not going to make any difference anyway, no-one else will understand it unless you go to university and most people will turn a blind eye.

This is how the RHA puts it:

Periods of Availibility
POA is the waiting time whose duration is known about in advance by the worker as long as the worker does not have to remain at their workstation (although they may need to for reasons of security or safety), must be availible to answer calls to restart work or resume driving on request, and the period and the foreseeable duraction should be known in advance either before departure or just before the start of the period in question. Workers do not need to be formally notified about a POA or its likely duration, it is enough to know about it and the foreseeable duration.
This does not include delays due to road closures, divirsions or congestion.

Just an observation Rallie, it was the conservatives that took us into the EU. Heath lied, and it is on record, about the EU being a common market to get the referendum through when he knew quite well what the realities of the EU were. For the record, Ive never voted labour, and wouldnt dream of voting for bliar, but facts are facts and the EU membership of the UK is a child of the tories.

I agree with you Mal, Heath was wrong, or at least he only agreed to a common market, not to what it has grown into (although he is happy for what europe is now)

Labour was staunchly anti europe, wanted nothing to do with it. Yet as soon as they can get the benefits of it, and europe is imposing policies well suited to the loony left they are happy for it…

However You really cant associate the policies of 30 years ago with the political parties today. Would you associate clause 4 with labour now? closed shop policies?

Waiting/ unloading can be used to either the drivers or bosses advantage which ever way you choose, although in law it is other work because you are in fact on duty…i have been unloading at places where there are no facilities for drivers and infuriated my boss when hes phoned to ask where i am, only to be told im in the cafe..and his remark was ..well youve just spent 3 hours unloading…yes but no facilities i say…so everyone can if they wish use it how they like…with regard to the WTD its about time drivers stood shoulder to shoulder…and refuse to sign any new agreements…or work over the 48 hours as is being laid down for other workers…why should drivers be the exception in every case…because of lord sainsbury and lord asda…or lord tesco…theyre the people controlling the transport industry and the people the government listen to when deciding new legislation…its the drivers choice…yes it is…decide for yourself…48 hours …or…60/70 hours…i know what im going to do..its up to you This is a great site..but it doesnt reach all the drivers in our profession..otherwise i would organise and start a brand new union..for drivers..run by drivers..and support all our drivers in this profession..for a decent living wage and conditions in this 21st century..we have been walked over for far too long, and the current so called representation we have in place are what i call the suits..who have never been in a truck let alone got their hands dirty. or know what a fifth wheel is..let alone a range change..getting people to join is another matter..im all for it…are you??
have a nice day

.i`m all for it…are you??

For sure !!

Surely there must be enough like minded folks here to make an impact ?

I feel another poll in the air :slight_smile: