WTD - Maximum working week

The maximum working time that can be performed in a single week is 60 hours.

The above quote is downloaded from the tachodisc website, what I am after is an interpretation of working time.

Does it mean;

5 x 12hr shifts with breaks or POA deducted from the 60 hours. which would leave approx 50hrs actual working time, or does it simply mean that you can work the maximum of 60 hrs without the deduction of any breaks or POA.

Sorry if I haven’t worded this correctly. :confused:

The 60 hour maximum does not include breaks or POA, nor does the 48 hour average week.

So for instance if you did 60 hours in a week, and 10 hours of that was POA and breaks, you would still be 10 hours under the maximum of 60.

Thanks for that Tacho, top man. :smiley: