Would you or wouldnt you.?

if your employed and your company pointyshoes decide to show the world how much their company really cares,cringeworthy or otherwise about the Black Looting Mob

if they told you they wanted all the staff to go into the yard and get their photo taken for the company website,or the media,would you go along with it irrespective of your views on such a meaningless show of false concern,or would your principles dictate that you wouldnt do it for any reason.

personally if i was employed,id let them dismiss me then head for the nearest solicitor,but thats just me.

so what about you…irrespective on your own opinion,would you go with the flow,or would you stand your ground and refuse to kneel and pay homage before your soon to be black masters??

I’d stand proud with my trousers and undies around my ankles! A sight probably as far removed from a black man as you’d ever find! :blush:

At that point there’s probably more to gain by keeping a wage coming in and an enemy which is only pretending to be a friend isn’t going to be much help to them at the end of the day.
Probably all moot anyway because everyone’s views are already clear to the thought police from numerous sources.
I’m glad that I’m closer to 80 than 40 but 10 years older at this point would have been better. :frowning:

Thankfully there is not a chance on earth of this happening where i work, common sense still has massive input thankfully.

There is also not a chance on earth of me kneeling or surrendering in any other way to any cult, nor shall i be apologising for something i haven’t done or benefitted from in any way.

never gone with the appeasers flow, not about to start now.

I will happily say “all lives matter”

As far as I would go.

no…and nor would the Somalian lad on Security who says BLM is a load of bollox

Would you or wouldn’t you? :open_mouth:
Bloody hell, I thought somebody had been listening to me and my mate’s conversation in a pub… after we’ve exhausted football, and it gets more and more childish after every pint downed when any female walks in the bar. :blush:
…And the answer towards the end of the night after God knows how many is invariably ‘‘Yeh I would’’. :blush: :smiley:
Problem is it’s always more words than action the older we get. :laughing:

In answer to o/p…No I wouldn’t, nothing to do with being racist (or not) either, it’s just all this stuff is getting more cringeworthy the longer it goes on. :unamused:

How about turning up to work in whiteface, asking for equal rights? :confused: :unamused: