Would you lean against someone else's truck?

Not the best topic in the world and nor is it a big deal really, but if you was talking with your mate, would you lean against someone else’s truck who’s parked next to you??

I wouldn’t do it but it wouldn’t bother me if someone else was, ■■■■■■■ up my wheel though :imp:

No and if anyone leans against mine I make I displeasure known by starting the engine and moving.

I’d rather kick a lion in the balls mate.

You know how possesive them truckers can get about their trucks!

If I was talking to them yes. I probably wouldn’t be talking to someone who had polished their mudguards to within an inch of their lives and regarded them as children so I don’t worry about it. :slight_smile:

Oh wait read it wrong. No I wouldn’t :slight_smile:

Does it really matter? unless you have a cab licker who is going to get seriously upset when you lean against his polished up bling, in which case kick him in the townies and tell him to get a life.

Do you mean mates truck or a randomers vehicle? Cab or trailer/ rear?

Mates, yes. Mates cab, yes, mates trailer/ rear, yes.

Randomers, to all of above, depends where I am, where randomer is etc.

Bit of an animal instinct thing as your entering another mans territory and best to pee up it first to mark it as yours then lean up against it.
Mates cabs are OK as your all part of the same pack.

Not sure how it works if the owner of a truck is a lady might be considered a mating proposal but be prepared for a swift rebuke in the gonads.

Does it really matter? unless you have a cab licker who is going to get seriously upset when you lean against his polished up bling, in which case kick him in the townies and tell him to get a life.

What a nasty person you are, that blinged up clean lorry could be an owner driver’s and that lovely clean lorry is an advert to potential customer’s it shows he takes pride in it’s appearance and would probably take care of my goods
Like I have just said in another post there are a lot of arrogant drivers around now, oh hang its school holidays isn’t it

Depends on the circumstances.

If the lorry was kept immaculate and the driver obviously took pride in it’s condition I wouldn’t lean on it, if it’s just another run of the mill averagely clean lorry I would have no problem leaning on it.
Having said that if the lorry was dirty I wouldn’t want to lean on it anyway, so the answer is usually going to be no.

I wouldn’t, it might be a nothing but its still part of somebody’s personal space, the trucks on the bays next to me where I frequent are obviously looked after by their drivers so its a bit of a no no imo

no i wouldnt and it the same as these guys that just open there doors and batter them into yours when there getting out then just walk off without as much as a sorry.

No, I wouldn’t either :sunglasses: I do have etiquette darlings! :laughing: schools out for the summer :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

no i wouldnt and it the same as these guys that just open there doors and batter them into yours when there getting out then just walk off without as much as a sorry.

I don’t think it’s quite the same thing really is it.

I would lean on another lorry but I would go to great lengths to avoid possibly damaging a lorry by slamming the door into it, though I do agree about some ignorant drivers doing what you’ve said.

Without a shadow of a doubt yes. Unless of course it was an Axor. One must have some standards!


Does it really matter? unless you have a cab licker who is going to get seriously upset when you lean against his polished up bling, in which case kick him in the townies and tell him to get a life.

What a nasty person you are, that blinged up clean lorry could be an owner driver’s and that lovely clean lorry is an advert to potential customer’s it shows he takes pride in it’s appearance and would probably take care of my goods
Like I have just said in another post there are a lot of arrogant drivers around now, oh hang its school holidays isn’t it

I shouldn’t worry. I imagine in real life he’s the sort of person that wouldn’t say boo to a goose let alone ‘kick someone in the townies’. Whatever they are.

the maoster:
Without a shadow of a doubt yes. Unless of course it was an Axor. One must have some standards!

If you lent against my one it would probably electrocute you. Everyday is and exciting day in a Merc :smiling_imp:

the maoster:
Without a shadow of a doubt yes. Unless of course it was an Axor. One must have some standards!

:laughing: :laughing:

Basically someone felt the need to lean up against my truck as i was waiting to load and i was called in at the same time anyway when i noticed him so just fired it up and moved. The act in itself didnt bother me, as others have said, if it was my mate then no problem but the fact that its a stranger is sort of like a territorial thing :laughing: