Would you grass for money?

Would you grass up a drink driver for money?

A Crimestoppers spokesman said that the average payout would be between £80 and £120. But if the case was serious enough, a maximum of £500 could be handed over.

dailymail.co.uk/news/article … z2X2ZUY8UO

No. Payment not required.

No. Payment not required.

I,ll second that.
regards dave

If I KNEW someone was sloshed behind the wheel I would shop em for free anyway. If I saw someone have 2 drinks with a meal and drive home I wouldn’t care.

Tip of the iceberg.

People will do anything to get money if it saves them doing a days work, as they gradually privatise the police then the Stasi State we are becoming will increasingly recruit informers and other low paid low lifes to do their spying.

No, :laughing: none of MY OR YOUR BUSINESS. :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Police are offering £500 rewards for informants who shop drink-drivers in a Christmas crackdown.

Would or not, How old is this article?

i’ll drop my trousers for a tenner

i’ll drop my trousers for a tenner

cheap skate :laughing:

No Comment :wink:

Would you grass up a drink driver for money?

A Crimestoppers spokesman said that the average payout would be between £80 and £120. But if the case was serious enough, a maximum of £500 could be handed over.

dailymail.co.uk/news/article … z2X2ZUY8UO

Yes and I have done! :sunglasses:

although TBH money isn’t required, id shop them anyway, but it was a nice bonus :slight_smile:


Would you grass up a drink driver for money?

No, I’d rather take the keys off someone if they’re really drunk, if they’re over the limit but not drunk I won’t be losing sleep over it.

I do care about the police spending taxpayers money on this sort of thing though, it seems that the police now even need help to go after the easy targets, useless [zb] :unamused:

No, I’d rather take the keys off someone if they’re really drunk

Might be a tad tricky if they’re on the move…

I wouldnt need to be payed.id stick them in and then tell them it was me

No. Payment not required.[/quote


No, I’d rather take the keys off someone if they’re really drunk

Might be a tad tricky if they’re on the move…

Or a smack in the mouth for trying :open_mouth:

What a load of tosh,anyone actually tried getting the police to turn out.If you chose to report someone for drinking/driving time they turned up the offender would probably have sobered up,
joined the church and been made Pope.Which part of ‘our police are useless’ don’t you peeps understand.

this shopping drink drivers for profit is rife in the hotel trade, wether it be workmates or paying guests

all these on here saying no would probably change their tune if a drunk driver seriously injured or killed a member of their family. I’m not a grass but I would inform the old bill if I knew/saw a person ■■■■■■ a ■■■■ in a pub and I knew he/she was going to be driving home after a skinfull reward or no reward. I wouldn’t shop someone who is having a couple of pints after work then driving home.

No. Payment not required.

Totally agree. :smiley: