Would you do this job?

Is this a Job you would consider?

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I think you’d get more hassle than a little with that TC, so the money would have to be ■■■■ good, but yes I would consider it :wink: .

I applied last year when the were recruiting Birmingham way, just out of interest really, they wrote back saying that they would notify me when they recruiting in my area! I await with interest!

They’ve had a couple of these motorway patrols on the m6 in staffordshire for a while now it doesnt seem a bad job they just cruise up and down it in a flasshy range rover then when rep man prangs his car they sweep him onto the hard shoulder


Yes, I would!

yup,sounds a very good number…i would

Sounds like a good job, shift pattern etc,apart from the wages!!

£16000 +20% bonus a year!!! Now im not an expert but im sure MacD`s pay more than that for flipping burgers!!

How can they claim to want to present a proffesional organisation and pay mickey mouse money in return??

Might make a phone call though, just out of interest. :blush: :laughing:

Cheers, bullitt.

Depending on wages and conditions yes I would do it.

They have just advertised for supervisors etc in our local paper.

Starting salary around £20k plus benefits if I remember correctly.

Made some enquiries & looked into this a good while back.
Always wished i’d been a traffic cop, so this looked ideal.
However, from the correspondence I had & info received, it appears if your not ex police, you have little chance of being selected.