Would I look a complete tw@t going to interview in shirt+tie

When I interviewed drivers I had a tick list of questions and impressions. For clothes there was a line… Below the line would be anything not clean, flip flops (is that discrimination?) and vests. If the applicant turned up an pin stripes I might have wondered if he might not really be considering the job as a long term thing.

Far more important was attitude, experience, ability and history.

Your going for a job as a lorry driver not male model, i go in clean clothes but the sort of clothes i would wear doing my job, the person interviewing gets to see the person their customer gets to see, which for jobs such as own account might be more important.

As Santa say, attitude skills and good proven history are the main points, if you have them the job is usually yours anyway.
I would say a provable attendance record is more important now than it once was, the sickie and any excuse to dodge work crew seem to be breeding.

Go dressed as a women. High heels, lip stick push up ■■■■■ etc and if you don’t get the job claim discrimination.

Nowt wrong with wearing a skirt & blouse with nice heel shoe’s a little make up & smile

Oh don’t forget to clean manicure & polish nails :laughing: :laughing:


First interview with a company for me this. For a tramping gig and I really want the job.


unless your going to a wedding straight after the interview smart casual would be my choice


Can clean work wear the sort of stuff you’d be wearing if you were doing the job.
They want 2 things

  1. Is can you do the job
  2. Do you look tidy.

Oh and a tip I was taught make sure your car’s tidy inside it’s been known for bosses to watch what your driving and take a walk past to see how you keep the inside :wink:

Can clean work wear the sort of stuff you’d be wearing if you were doing the job.
They want 2 things

  1. Is can you do the job
  2. Do you look tidy.

Oh and a tip I was taught make sure your car’s tidy inside it’s been known for bosses to watch what your driving and take a walk past to see how you keep the inside :wink:

Outside too I’d say.

The last 2 interviews i have done they have been straight after or during work hours for previous job. So the current job i turned up in my DHL outfit :sunglasses:

They say you are more employable when your in work so i like them to know if they offer crap i can walk.

It would depend on what [ZB] translates as.

Good idea about cleaning your car beforehand

This is a no-brainer. Show you are more than a one-dimensional truck driver. Its all about respect. If you are going into the firms offices to be interviewed, dress accordingly.

Suited and booted, every time. Last interview I went for like this, for an own-account supermarket, I was offered the job there and then - no assessment drive, nothing! (TM and HR lady present)

I know, they must have been desperate :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Smart casual it is.

Shirt and tie is definitely not me and I want to be me in the interview.

Cheers lads

Suited and booted, every time.


Smart casual it is.

Oh well, I’ll offer you my commiserations now then. :frowning:

…and congratulations to the guy who actually gets the job because he made an effort. Well done that man. :smiley:

Shirt and tie every time, wear your Union badge on the lapel too if you have one and you’re in one. Don’t forget to carry a copy of the drivers hours regs too, so you can refer to them, and a copy of the Road Transport Working Time Directive. Make sure you ask the right questions too, like how they implement their Working Time Directive obligations. Show them you’re smart, a cut above the rest, you’ll walk it…

Oh and a tip I was taught make sure your car’s tidy inside it’s been known for bosses to watch what your driving and take a walk past to see how you keep the inside :wink:

Going along that line of thought then if I was to go for an interview at another shipping company would I have to go along in a boat ? :slight_smile:

Well I think overkill with clothes is better than “dumbing down”.
I doubt anyone didnt get a job for being too smartly dressed but I wager many a job has been lost after the candidate turned up looking like he was off down the bookies

smart casual would be my choice

Yeh, but I’ll give you a tip.
You’ll never get the job if you go in scratching your scrote :laughing:

What’s wrong with a pair of jeans, open smart shirt and jacket, and clean shoes.
I think a suit and tie is a bit ott for a driving job tbh.
A pair of decent jeans today cost as much as a cheap suit anyway, and I don’t mean the 5 quid a pair fat man jeans from Tesco either btw.

I’ve interviewed a driver whilst he was on his break in his cab, so works uniform it was.

Having said that, I think it makes a difference if you turn up in a proper shirt and trousers as a minimum to an office interview. Makes it look like you’ve made an effort.