Worst situation ,what you see at the road

all drivers time from time see accident ,but ready when this happened.but what danger situation you see,or near miss.

last week was driving at A605 from Peterborough.i drive my 40 mile.after me was some 5 car.was single carrigway but after some 100 yard begining dual carrigeway toward me go 2 lorry .in this moment one car drivers start overtake 3-4 car and me ,but he cant back to line (because ready was barriers ),ad this car care on on drive in right line.have many i see in mirrors he stop and lorry stoped budt it was near near miss

last Sunday morning about 10 oclock, driving through town in the car, A drunk staggers off the pavement in front of me… I swerved and dodged him, but it must have been very very close…
It made me wonder how quick other peoples reactions would have been…
Were mine so quick because I have 44 years car driving and 36 years HGV experience ■■,
Or because I’ve adopted the attitude of thinking that everybody else around me is a complete idiot and I am half prepared for them to do anything in order to kill themselves ?