Commercial Motor is conducting a quick survey, Who in your opinion are the worst road users? please choose above, the results will be amalgamated with other research and appear in print in a future edition- you can choose up to 3 options
Cyclists! arrogant, ignorant and uninsured!
I put white van man because they seem to be on their phone a hell of a lot and not paying enough attention.
Personally it was difficult just to have the one vote.
It all depends on what type of road, bendy A & B roads & in town, then cyclists. Most other times it’s Audi drivers
For me it’s a choice between bus drivers and taxi drivers.
Taxi drivers won my vote, but I’d include private hire car drivers in that.
Two choices missing, Horse riders and pedestrians
Blue rinse Grannies would look through the steering wheel, and doddery old grave dodgers who should not be driving anything more than a bath chair.
The irony of a survey of drivers to identify the worst drivers when in reality the worst driver are those who blame everyone else for their own shortcomings!
The irony of a survey of drivers to identify the worst drivers when in reality the worst driver are those who blame everyone else for their own shortcomings!
roadusers though!
we all have bad habits!
I find weekend motorway drivers the most dangerous.
Yes cyclists bus drivers an taxis can be a pain but at least they are predictable.
Someone who drives on the motorway once a year and has no clue how to behave is more of a hazard as nobody (including them) knows what they’re planning.
You left out women.
Can’t see this on tapatalk but just checked online and there must be some mistake.
No option for skip drivers?
Can we have an option for ‘All The Above’
no surprise on the leader so far
No option for royal mail
Royal mail drivers
Be interesting to know which road user is responsible for the most road and motorway closures causing untold misery for everyone!
Be interesting to know which road user is responsible for the most road and motorway closures causing untold misery for everyone!
Highways agency I’d imagine!
just wondering where do i vote for "drivers " of large black German cars for the purpose of this vote Lexus count as German there just copies of mercs
The brain-dead morons who drive in murky conditions either with no lights at all, or on parking lights only. If conditons are bad you need DIPPED HEADLIGHTS!