Been out of paid employment since April 2012 having been an unpaid carer for family member. All savings and credit rating gone to pot while doin this, but to my mind its what you do for family.
Have been hoping to tap the mother-in-law for a loan to cover the cost of hgv training but its looking like a no go there.
Have also been trying to find an unsecured personal loan to cover the cost but so far not had much luck.
Situation getting desperate as Mrs is expecting our first in June and we need to build up the old bank balance before then.
Anyone else been in a similar situation and have any advice please?
Do you get JSA or anything as you could see if they can help with some training not sure where you are as my crystal ball smashed sorry
Have been in a similar situation a few years ago but did manager to sort things out passed my Cat C back in 2008 then my CE jan this yr not stopped working since march
I’m in a similar situation. Live with the in-laws (both retired), already have a 2 year old, wife is near to completing a PhD and the only money coming in is from my agency work. Was primary carer for our daughter until we moved here so only just back in work.
I’d love to get my class 2 but funds are non-existant. The cash from the agency work, driving 7.5t, is just enough to cover bills at the moment but am hoping to get more work so I can save up.