Worried about Robots? You should be!


dont sweat it…itl be a good while yet before it can come tae glesgae,skull a bottle of buckie in wan go then eat a fish supper… :wink:

dont sweat it…itl be a good while yet before it can come tae glesgae,skull a bottle of buckie in wan go then eat a fish supper… :wink:

Wtaf is this ^

dont sweat it…itl be a good while yet before it can come tae glesgae,skull a bottle of buckie in wan go then eat a fish supper… :wink:

Av naw done that for a while.


dont sweat it…itl be a good while yet before it can come tae glesgae,skull a bottle of buckie in wan go then eat a fish supper… :wink:

Wtaf is this ^

read it with a glesgae accent big man.
try this if your english… it has subtitles for the uninitiated.



Buckie cheaper dawn south than it is in glasgae

I’m disappointed, I was waiting for it to give the man a Glasgae kiss. :slight_smile:

Ok who wanted to to grab the hockey stick and wrap it over the blokes head? :imp: Of course if the Robot had been really advanced it would have done the same or walked off with one finger in the air. :laughing:

Ok who wanted to to grab the hockey stick and wrap it over the blokes head? :imp: Of course if the Robot had been really advanced it would have done the same or walked off with one finger in the air. :laughing:

Walked off with one finger in the air?
Is that really a clip of EB getting yet another uniform then??

Sorry mate.

Ok who wanted to to grab the hockey stick and wrap it over the blokes head? :imp: Of course if the Robot had been really advanced it would have done the same or walked off with one finger in the air. :laughing:

There’s no wonder skynet went vicious if that’s how we treated it’s ancestors!!!


Ok who wanted to to grab the hockey stick and wrap it over the blokes head? :imp: Of course if the Robot had been really advanced it would have done the same or walked off with one finger in the air. :laughing:

Walked off with one finger in the air?
Is that really a clip of EB getting yet another uniform then??

Sorry mate.

:laughing: No problems, made me laugh. :laughing:

I’m disappointed, I was waiting for it to give the man a Glasgae kiss. :slight_smile:

here you are.56 seconds in if you cant wait…nae messin…