World Wide Flight Services?

Does any one know ‘World Wide Flight Services’ at Heathrow, if so any info as a company would be helpful i.e. the good, the bad and the ugly. :question: :question:

I have an interview with them :smiley: on Friday is this a good idea :unamused:

I think they do a luxemburg run, glasgow runs and seen them up manchester cargo centre, all volvo low ride fleet, dont know anything on wages, and mainly airfreight work running out of north feltham trading estate if its the company im thinking of.


I think they do a luxemburg run, glasgow runs and seen them up manchester cargo centre, all volvo low ride fleet, dont know anything on wages, and mainly airfreight work running out of north feltham trading estate if its the company im thinking of.


Is the company you are thinking NEIL called or were SPA TRANS.■■?

used to be called spa trans now its just WFS


Thanks for the info I’ll post how I get on

Its still called spa trans as i go there quite abit for k&n in uxbridge. Although i heard on the grapevine today that wfs are moving from spa trans on the north feltham trading estate & are taking over british airways regional cargo (barc) or Dun woodys as its also known who are situated in green lane near heathrow

I have spoken to a guy on the train who works for them. He retired from Sainsburys and his wife was sick of the sight of him at home :stuck_out_tongue:

Seemed quite happy though