World gone mad!

Took a container to transport yard at skelmesdale yesterday with a bolt seal on the back.
After they got me a bay to back on (hour and half after my booking time) i still had to wait for someone to finish there break to cut the bolt seal off. This bloke is the only person at the place to use bolt cutters because hes been trained! :open_mouth: Elf & safety gone mad again!
Can anyone tell me how you can be trained to use bolt cutters? :laughing:

like so

pick up bolt cutters

open and place round bolt

use reasonable force and close both arms together, now if your a puney lil twirp this may be a bit hard for you

*once bolt is cut place back in the appropriate place that is highly marked up as a “look a pair of bolt cutters we musnt touch them or we may end up chopping each others heads off because we havnt been trained to use them”

i carry my own.

i carry my own.

But have you had the proper training with them? …tut tut

But have you had the proper training with them? …tut tut

I like this bit at the end best :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Never cut live electric wires with bolt cutters unless you are using ones especially made for the purpose!

i always thought the driver cut his own seal thats what ive seen in the past and he opens his own doors sure its not to much trouble to do :confused:
as for elf and safety well we all no its gone to far its simply because every little slip,trip,fall sum 1 throws in a claim and the excess for the company is usually £2,500 and there are peeps out there who make a living out of claiming.

Took a container to transport yard at skelmesdale yesterday with a bolt seal on the back.
After they got me a bay to back on (hour and half after my booking time) i still had to wait for someone to finish there break to cut the bolt seal off. This bloke is the only person at the place to use bolt cutters because hes been trained! :open_mouth: Elf & safety gone mad again!
Can anyone tell me how you can be trained to use bolt cutters? :laughing:

I’ve been recently on windfarm construction site. 6 miles off road drive from the security box. I was told to put my hazard on and observe speed limit (which was absurdally low). When I came to the site, there was plenty of work going on, everyone was running busy and 6 or 7 other vehicles were moving (it was propably some kind of Eastern European day or something, I never seen so busy Scottish construction site before :grimacing: ) and then it leaded to several confusions as by having my indicators occuped, I could not indicate where I am going to turn… This is stupid…

And on the way to the site - I think I could be seen from the space without hazards or beamer, as the cloud of dust behind me was a mile long :slight_smile:

This is always the same for me with companies who require me to put hazards on when reversing. How on Earth I am supposed to show WHERE I am gonna to reverse to? If I go forward, at least I am able to use some gestures to show other drivers, but when reversing? Isn’t the beeper and reversing lights not enaugh to tell the world that I am reversing? What’s next? A clown nose?

Only had a bolt seal once and when I backed onto the bay the backdoor man just gave me a pair of bolt cutters and asked me to do the business.

The mind boggles,were is it all going to end?

What’s next? A clown nose?

Only if you’ve been trained to apply it correctly :wink:


What’s next? A clown nose?

Only if you’ve been trained to apply it correctly :wink:

And on the way to the site - I think I could be seen from the space without hazards or beamer, as the cloud of dust behind me was a mile long :slight_smile:

so all the airline problems with the dust cloud was in fact not iceland but our very own orys :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Yeah, blame the Polish guy for everything :imp: :imp: :imp:

:grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

at the place i am at we have a set of bolt cutters by the bays for drivers to cut off unless we are not busy we get them to back up to the bay(they do this in case a driver backs over someone trying to cut the seal)…must be a company own policy for the H&S…We have signs up saying keys must be handed to forklift drivers while unloading in case of drive offs,but guess what it dont happen…