I wonder if anyone out there could settle an argument?
Started my day one at 0700hrs, I’m heading into my day six tomorrow, should finish in the morning at about 0300 on my 5th card due to a 1600 start on day 3 with an 18 hours break prior to this.
Need 11 hours off when I finish in the morning so if I’m starting at 1400hrs again.
I wonder if anyone out there could settle an argument?
Started my day one at 0700hrs, I’m heading into my day six tomorrow, should finish in the morning at about 0300 on my 5th card due to a 1600 start on day 3 with an 18 hours break prior to this.
Need 11 hours off when I finish in the morning so if I’m starting at 1400hrs again.
What is the latest I can work up til tomorrow ?
I’m not 100% I’m reading this right but If I’m understanding correctly, tomorrow you will start the 6th day since your last weekly rest period.
By my reckoning you must have finished your last weekly rest period at 07:00 Wednesday.
If this is correct you need to start a weekly rest period no later than 07:00 Tuesday.
Sorry if I’ve misunderstood what you mean, but to be honest it would be easier if you told us when you started the working week, or when you finished you last weekly rest period if you prefer to put that way.
I’m not 100% I’m reading this right but If I’m understanding correctly, tomorrow you will start the 6th day since your last weekly rest period.
By my reckoning you must have finished your last weekly rest period at 07:00 Wednesday.
If this is correct you need to start a weekly rest period no later than 07:00 Tuesday.
Sorry if I’ve misunderstood what you mean, but to be honest it would be easier if you told us when you started the working week, or when you finished you last weekly rest period if you prefer to put that way.
You’ve mentioned 6th day and 6th card, they are too very different things.
I’ll try to explain.
Start work: monday 0700.
you now have 6x24 hour periods (maximum) before starting a 45 hour or 24 hour weekly rest period.
this means that the latest you must park up is 0700 on sunday.
So you are parking up part way into the 7th day, but not into your 7th 24 hour period, just like you started part way into your first day.
Assuming you’re on an analogue tacho, You can use as many cards as you want.
I have driven less than 6 hours over a 7 hour day before taking 9 hours off, so that works out to 16 hours before starting a new card. You can see that by using 2 cards in one day is both legal and easily done.
It makes sense to me, i hope you can get your head round my explanation?
Yes, I mean that you do not know if or when he has completed 90 hours driving.
It could be before the 0700 Tuesday that you say he needs to rest, then he
would be driving illegally.
The OP hasn’t mentioned driving hours, the question was about when he must finish work today, but there wasn’t enough information to answer that correctly for sure.
From what you’ve said it seems that you started the working week at 07:00 Wednesday after a weekly rest period.
If you start work today at 14:00 and have no more reduced daily rest periods left, you should be finished work no later than 03:00 Tuesday.
If you have a split daily rest period (3 hours rest during the shift) you could work until 05:00 at the latest.
Many thanks tachograph.
Was having a ‘discussion’ with someone yesterday who told me I couldn’t work past midnight tonight as I’d be going into my 7th day, meaning no getting home for my 24 off. However, as has been pointed out I always thought it was six 24 hour periods from when my card went in at 0700hrs on the Wednesday, meaning I could work up to 0700 Tuesda
y …hours and rest permitting of course.
Had a lot of hanging around the last few days which pushed my start times back later and later.