Just wanted to confirm, do I do a printout before start and do manual entries on back of it throughout the day?
Just wanted to confirm, do I do a printout before start and do manual entries on back of it throughout the day?
No, you do vehicle printouts at the start and end of each shift then write your name on them, throughout the shift use the tachograph mode switch in the usual way to record your activities.
The only manual entries you need to write are the ones you would manually put into the tachograph at the start of the shift if you had a driver card, other than that there’s no need to write anything as it will all be recorded on the printout you do at the end of the shift, the first printout is just to show what’s already recorded in the VU at the start of your shift.
Thank you. So it will keep asking me to insert the card throughout the day, but will still keep on recording data on to the unit instead of the card? Do I have to do anything differently though apart from making printouts? Thanks again.
The digital tachograph always records activities to both the card and the VU, the only difference now is that it will just record to the VU and not the card.
Use the mode switch just like you would when you have a card in, so when you’re working have the mode switch on other work, when you’re on break have the mode switch on break, ec’t ec’t.
Do a vehicle printout at the start of the shift and another vehicle printout at the end of the shift and put your name on both of them, make sure you’ve got printouts to cover your entire shift, so if you work nights and the printout you do at the end of the shift starts at midnight you may need to do another printout for the day you started the shift (hope that makes sense ).
Keep the printouts with you for 29 days then hand them into the transport office.
I don’t know if you usually do manual entries at the start of each shift but if you do just write them on the printout, if you don’t usually do manual entries at the start of the shift this is probably not the best time to start so…
I’ve never had to do this but I assume the tachograph will keep displaying a no card message, just press OK and ignore it.
Got it, thank you
Got me card today. It says I need to make sure I download data to it, do they mean data that has been scanned to employer’s computer?
Got me card today. It says I need to make sure I download data to it, do they mean data that has been scanned to employer’s computer?
I’ve no idea what that’s about, you don’t/can’t download or write anything to the new driver card
If your old card was faulty you should try to download the data from it before sending it back to the DVLA, but there’s nothing to do with the new card other than use it in the usual way.