working time

Work 5. 30 mins then 30 min break, this is legal.Work 5.30 mins then 15 min break then [lets say 2 hours work]and then 15 min break…is this legal.There is no driving time or p o a involved in this question…

Yes, providing you do some more duty at the end of the last break as you can’t have your last break and then book off.

Yeah, I was thinking about similar case:

If you work over 6 and less than 9 hours, you have to do at least 30’ break. Do it has to be done before 6 hours, or it can be done at, say, moment 8.59?

You need a break after each 6 hrs work. You need breaks totalling 30 minutes if you work between 6 and 9 hours and breaks totalling 45 minutes if you work over 9 hrs.

So you can’t have a 30 minute break on 8 hours and 59 minutes as you would have worked more than 6 minutes without having a break.

Yes, just followed that path and founf that “if your working hours total between 6 and 9 hours, working time should be interrupted by a break or breaks totalling at least 30 minutes” indeed not indicate where to take that break, you should look further. As if focus on that too much, you’ll miss that part “The Regulations require that mobile workers must not work more than 6 consecutive hours without taking a break”, and then you can go to the point I was and confuse yourself :slight_smile:.

I had a wee discussion about that recently, as the guy wasn not too happy for me doing the 30’ break after 6 hours of work and then another 30’ two hours later after 4.30 of driving (as I can count my first break towards my driving break but I can not make second shorter than 30’) and he almost convinced me… :wink:

Thanks for assuring me now that I was right, as I was no longer 100% sure :slight_smile:

If referring to a full 9 hours of work during one shift -

Remember that the breaks do not count as work so doing 6 hours work then 15 min break then having the next 15 mins at 8.59 of total time is ok as still leaves 31 mins to do the full 9 hours of work


if you meant taking the last 15 min break at 8.59 of total work done then that is ok if you do 1 minute of work afterwards - hardly in the spirit of the regs but legal as far as I can tell.

yes i agree, but can the 30 mins be split into 2 …15 mins breaks,one 15 before the 6 hours limit and one 15 min after…excluding driving time and p.o.a…

As soon as you take a break (which must be 15 minutes minimum) you can work for another 6 hours before you need to take another break.

So you can work for 2 hours, have a 15 minute break and then work for another 6 hours before you need another 15 minute break and providing you don’t work more than 9 hours in total that’ll be that for the day. You would need another 15 minute break if you were to work over 9 hours.

red eye:
yes i agree, but can the 30 mins be split into 2 …15 mins breaks,one 15 before the 6 hours limit and one 15 min after…excluding driving time and p.o.a…

Oh yes - it has been done so that it matches a little way towards the tacho regs -
other work 3 hours and driving 3 hours on mutlidrop
break 15 mins for the tacho and the RTD(WTD)
other work 3 hours and driving 1.5 hours on mutlidrop
break 30 mins for the tacho and RTD(WTD)
driving 3.5 hours
other work 15 mins