Hi guys as the title suggests just need some clarification, I have worked now this week 55 hours and I know the limit is 60 hours. Now my employer is saying I can work tomorrow as there week is Sunday 00:00 to Saturday 23:59. Therefore my hours reset… Now is this correct as vosa states Monday 00:00 to Sunday 23:59. New driver and don’t want to get screwed over.
Regardless of when it starts you can’t work more that 60 hours in a row without your weekly rest,are you in work today?when do you or did you get to 55hrs?
End of today’s shift will be about 55 hours xichrisxi
WTD = 60 hours max working time (not including breaks or POA) between any two sunday midnights
Cool cheers
As ROG has said the WTD maximum weekly working hours are between midnight Sunday and midnight Sunday and nothing to do with weekly rests.
Also - as has been said don’t forget the 60 hours doesn’t include breaks or POAs
Hi guys as the title suggests just need some clarification, I have worked now this week 55 hours and I know the limit is 60 hours. Now my employer is saying I can work tomorrow as there week is Sunday 00:00 to Saturday 23:59. Therefore my hours reset… Now is this correct as vosa states Monday 00:00 to Sunday 23:59. New driver and don’t want to get screwed over.
There are rules which must fit in certain time periods
Those time periods are
Fixed week - sunday midnight to sunday midnight
Between weekly rests
Between daily rests
Then there are company time periods such as when pay is calculated from/to
There is nothing in the EU regs which mentions rules for company pay periods