Working or Holiday @ agency right now?

This board has seemed rather quiet these past few days. Few posts from many of the regulars, including myself.
Sure, I’m attempting to spend a bit of quality time with my family, but is everyone else doing the same, or working flat out covering all those vacant shifts that abound at present? :confused: :question:

i have been working longer hours but i am picking up the odd shift here and there for a couple of weeks. then i will be back on my regular contract while a new contract with the same customer starts up

I’m on my holiday been doing the whisky distillerys around the highlands and islands of scotland :smiley: so have had plenty of free drams hic
but back to work from wednesday so shall stop the free drams on monday evening

Just got back from a holiday in Kenmare on the Emerald Isle for a cousins wedding. They tried to shut the bar at 3am until the bride bargained a 5am finish which funnily enough is when I staggered back to the ranch.

This board has seemed rather quiet these past few days.

Few posts from many of the regulars, including myself.

A group of drivers, that I met recently, generally agreed when
someone said that these boards “had become more and more
sanitized and over moderated in recent times.”


Nah. Don’t agree there. This isn’t the Daily Mail around here, where anything with keywords like “BNP” or “Hitler” or “Bankers” and “persecute” in the same sentence are routinely censored. :angry: