Working in Africa or Middle East

I’ve heard that good money can be earned doing contract work in more hostile environments.
Have any of you guys got any info or contacts for companies opperating in Africa or the Middle East?
All my web searches bring up american sites for work in Afghanistan but I’m sure there must be other options.

Give Astran a call I think there mainly subcontractor work out now
But they be your best bet to ask for contacts

Good luck fella

Hope you think of the good money when you get kidnapped then stuck in front of a camera to be humiliated, denounce your country then get you head chopped off.

Need to be insane to go to lala land :grimacing:

There’s a video or several in fact on Youtube, look 'em up i won’t link them, group of those nice rebels (so warm hearted you could take 'em to tea with your old mum) that Obama and Cast Iron Dave wants to support with military action in Syria, they stop three totally innocent lorry drivers, question them, find they happen to be the wrong tribe/religious sect then shoot the poor buggers…its all there, go and enjoy the living hell where life means nothing.

Iraq KBR convoy ambush.

… Still interested.?

Iraq KBR convoy ambush.

… Still interested.?

Is that a US tang ? :slight_smile:

Iraq KBR convoy ambush.

… Still interested.?

Makes waiting in RDCs seem not so bad after all


Iraq KBR convoy ambush.

… Still interested.?

Makes waiting in RDCs seem not so bad after all

Story you can tell your missus I got ambushed today but it was all good could of been worst Could of dropped my egg down my shirt or tripped over a blue wall :grimacing:

Life is cheaper than dirt over there.

Britain isn’t perfect & I don’t consider myself a patriot but it’s one of the best places to live in the world in my humble opinion.

I work I Iraq but for private security, 7-8 grand month depending on exchange rate

I can think of twenty good reasons/scenarios NOT to go down that route, but’s it’s the HUNDREDS of reasons/scenarios I can’t think of that would stop me!

Good luck fella, you’ll need it.

I work I Iraq but for private security, 7-8 grand month depending on exchange rate

Wonder if this is a extra Scania can fit :slight_smile: the browny cream extra add on think it look good with my frilly curtains

Iraq KBR convoy ambush.

… Still interested.?

Times like that makes life almost worth staying alive for.

Arabs are racist & generally just full of zb, I’d never set foot there…!

Do you realy think astrans will send a newbie
to the middle east. Erm NO
How many people ring astrans up every week wanting a job
:answer. : loads of muppets that wouldnt have a clue
How to get to dover

Iraq KBR convoy ambush.

… Still interested.?

■■■■■■■■ to that!! its like tottenham lol
nice of his mates to ■■■■ off and leave him!!!
i remember seeing part of this on the news when it happened,he survived although he had to get out and do a runner if i remember correctly!!!

Daf Man 480:
Do you realy think astrans will send a newbie
to the middle east. Erm NO
How many people ring astrans up every week wanting a job
:answer. : loads of muppets that wouldnt have a clue
How to get to dover

You gotta start somewhere :unamused:

There’s a good reason why they are called HOSTILE environments, it’s got little to do with the weather which is also hostile.
You get paid extra because "hostile environment " is the new PC Crap term for what it really means which is DANGER MONEY.
Soldiers families hate their loved ones being sent over to these places. Why? Cos there’s a very high risk of them coming home a different person to the one that left. PTSD isn’t a myth, it affects people in different ways depending on the person and what they have been exposed to.

Before you carry on with this idea, think very carefully about what you are heading into. However good you are at first person shoot em up computer games, don’t expect it to be anything like that in real life. You may never have to find out how you really react to serious danger to your life. The British Military take extreme care that their contractors don’t get exposed to that level of danger although it could happen. The American Military is reputed to be more ‘gung ho’ in their attitude.
Both do not allow contractors to carry weapons, because an untrained weapon handler is a greater danger.

I’m an ex-military driver. I’ve served in hostile environments. It is nothing like driving down the M6.

I work I Iraq but for private security, 7-8 grand month depending on exchange rate

You’re fortunate in so far as the wages goes, the public sector workers who die over there get to play on our hearts strings, Help for heroes etc…
I guess if you’re in the private sector that doesn’t happen? Who helps you guys or your families if you get snuffed ? After what happened with that mad guard are you all frightened to play cards now or do you still do it? And if you’re private who do you guard ? I’d love to find out more about this stuff,it fascinates me.