Working for more than one agency

If you work paye for more than one agency how does this effect your tax payment or does it not?

Two employers two lots of stoppages,each employer has to deduct tax at source.

So as the employee it wouldn’t effect me?

I’m sure you would have to pay a higher tax rate " when you select you work for more then one company" it puts you on a higher tax bracket.

So as the employee it wouldn’t effect me?

You will have stoppages taken out from your pay by each Agency your doing work for,and possibly pay emergency tax with the second Agency.

And don’t forget to file separate P87 tax forms for the work/mileage/expenses for each agency

I’m sure you would have to pay a higher tax rate " when you select you work for more then one company" it puts you on a higher tax bracket.

Who told you that, please tell me it was sat at an RDC ■■ :unamused:

Until you speak to the Tax Office you will, as stated previously, pay Emergency Tax (ie no Tax Allowance) at first on your second income.

You can speak to the Tax Office and request that they split your allowance however you wish them to. (That’s if they ever pick up the phone to you !!)

It is quite simple to organise and they will then adjust your Tax Code accordingly and when each Agency inputs it into their payroll system it (should) adjust your tax paid accordingly.

steelgoon is spot on. At worst if you don’t earn more than £10,600 at the one the whole of your PAYE tax free allowance is based at you overpay and put in for a rebate at the end of the tax year and HMRC are usually quite quick to refund overpayments on PAYE earnings.

You have to declare who is your main employer and this job will get your tax allowance. The second agency will have to tax you at basic rate.
If you do not earn enough to pay the basic rate of tax in that year then you will get a rebate of what has been overpaid after the end of the tax year.