Working down south

Im currently based at a depot in the north west and have been given the opportunity to work out of a depot around the Essex area (dont know where exactly yet) for a few weeks. I was just wondering what it’s like driving down there? Mainly whats it like driving around London. It will be store delivery day work. Will be all expenses paid. A chance to earn a good bit of wedge or best avoided?

Thoughts please :smiley:

Stay up there mate, we don’t want another northern monkey tip toeing around the M25 because they’re no good in a crowd :laughing: :wink:

I do all my driving (deffo over 90%) down south, based in Crewe.

It’s fine bud, character building, but I’d certainly say give it a go

PM Saamon, he’ll be able to advise you.

What about the language barrier :smiling_imp: :unamused:
And do you intend running bent or have you plans to apply for a visa?

Get yourself down there mate, loads of A grade Totty in London.

The main thing that worries me is things like cyclists, restricted routes and the traffic. At the minute I work nights so driving is a doddle I have the road to myself. It’s a bit daunting being asked to drive around one of the busiest cities in the uk.

The main thing that worries me is things like cyclists, restricted routes and the traffic. At the minute I work nights so driving is a doddle I have the road to myself. It’s a bit daunting being asked to drive around one of the busiest cities in the uk.

It’s no busier than some northern cities. Surely you have bikes and things in the north. Driving is driving - if you’re that worried about your abilities then maybe it isn’t for you.
Have a bit of self belief, treat it as any other road in any other town, enjoy the extra money and come ogle our women.
If you don’t enjoy it at least it’s not permanent.

Get yourself down there mate, loads of A grade Totty in London.

Amen to that! First time I went my head was spinning round like a tawny owl :laughing:

All our work is down south and even central London is nothing to get stressed about :smiley:

head up here. we are bringing drivers up from down south. you may as well steal our work too :imp:

If you have no ties fella, I’d do it. Good learning curve, anyone can drive on a m/way but dealing with ■■■■■ In a city centre is a different ball game. Good luck.

btw - the best looking girls -Belfast. Fact.

If you decide to go ahead and are likely to do night time deliveries, then Google London Lorry Control Driver’s Guide. I think you can get it from Smiths newsagents. This gives details and maps of the night time approved routes. It really is not as daunting as it sounds and your Essex depot should be fully up to speed on it anyway.

Im currently based at a depot in the north west and have been given the opportunity to work out of a depot around the Essex area (dont know where exactly yet) for a few weeks. I was just wondering what it’s like driving down there? Mainly whats it like driving around London. It will be store delivery day work. Will be all expenses paid. A chance to earn a good bit of wedge or best avoided?

Thoughts please :smiley:

Why? Ask yourself why they want to pay all your expenses to move to Essex (even temporarily), when there are presumably drivers in Essex already? Why do they need to ship a driver south (apart from northern drivers are better, obviously! :grimacing: )

Unless they are offering you at least double the wage, I wouldn’t even consider it…more hassle driving (though you’ll get used to it), generally more expensive property/rent (though if they’re paying this wouldn’t matter), the driving standards are generally lower (not particularly amongst LGV drivers though), more arrogance on the road etc.

Up to you mate but if you’re on nights in the NW, you’l find days (or even nights) in the SE a bit of a shock…and unless the wage is astronomical (in which case you’d have to ask why so much?) I’d stay put.


The main thing that worries me is things like cyclists, restricted routes and the traffic. At the minute I work nights so driving is a doddle I have the road to myself. It’s a bit daunting being asked to drive around one of the busiest cities in the uk.

You will be fine, you just have to not let people try and dump all over you, squeeze up, drift over, and don’t be afraid to squeeze people out. Make allowances for cars of course but anything past half way down your trailer, let them deal with it so to speak. No probs, no hassle, no rage.

One important thing to remember.

If you’re in a third-world borough, expect third-world driving standards. Give anything with a TfL sticker on the back (especially anything with Addison Lee written on it, a very wide berth and always expect they are going to do something stupid, because they will.

I know why they’ve asked me, it’s because no one else wants to do it :laughing: It’s a fantastic opportunity especially as I’ve only been at my current place for 3 weeks and would go down well with the bosses. I’d be down there 4 nights a week in a hotel and back home on my days off, I presume claiming the expenses back although I’m not certain how it would work. If I have to pay the initial outlay then I’ll have to give it a miss as I’m skint. Still waiting for more details.

One important thing to remember.

If you’re in a third-world borough, expect third-world driving standards. Give anything with a TfL sticker on the back (especially anything with Addison Lee written on it, a very wide berth and always expect they are going to do something stupid, because they will.

Definitely this! And those stupid Toyota Prius taxi drivers. Not sure what company they are but I think they recruit from the local mental asylum.

Same as the pizza delivery bikes at night, flying out of alleyways and all all sorts.

london is fun just do yourself a favour and turn sat nav off because will drive you mental .
one rule to get around london drive like they do that simple and watch for the parking attendants


‘…Im … given the opportunity to work out of a depot around the Essex area…’

‘…Why? Ask yourself why they want to pay all your expenses to move to Essex…’

I’d be asking what’s in it for your employer - especially finance-wise :exclamation:

Chat about ‘learning curves’, ‘favours-for-mates’ and the ‘romance-of-the-road’ aside, it’s dog-eat-anything in the south-east and charity often seems to end well before the wallet :wink: