I dont if anyone has mentioned this yet, but as you may have heard the government is putting forward proposals for a work and public places smoking ban. Now at this stage it is all to play for as it works its way through the parlimentary systems, but what i wondered was, if any of the members on here had thought about how it may effect them, this is not only because it will mean that you will not be able to have a ■■■ after your fry up[make the most of them cos’ they will be banned the way its going], but also your employer will not be allowed to let you smoke at your work station regardless as to wether you work on your own or not, and our work stations have a steering wheel attached. Now I’m not a smoker, but just wondered what others on here think about it
Personally I can’t wait to go and have a meal without some selfish bar steward lighting up and puffing his/her foul smoke my way and ruining my evening.
I used to smoke but do not participate but when I did and I smoked in the lorry the window was always down and the vehicle moving so as much as possible was sucked out. Probably still smelt of smoke but not as bad as it could have.
Me personally i think they should ban them altogether its a filthy disgusting habit your breath smells your clothes stink its not nice so give it up as your killing yourself and others around you
PS Can you tell i gave up 9 months ago
But if you want to smoke in the privacy of your own truck go for it whos gonna police it
I think I made my thoughts clear here.
Just as a refresher…
When I was tramping in 97 (ish) we were brought home one night per week, every 3-4 weeks or so, as there were a few night men employed. I hated it when a smoker had had my cab and then I was expected to carry on living in there for the rest of the week and beyond.I challenged them with ‘public working place’ theory, stating that I couldn’t be made to work in a smokey environment etc etc. I wasn’t getting anywhere at first so if a smoker had had my truck, I wouldn’t do anymore nights out until I had had chance to take my bedding, spare clothes and cab curtains home and washed them. Becoming a day man for a few days kinda put a spanner in their works and their plans.
I’m not a ‘militant’ but of the 12 night men, 2 were non-smokers and so the chance of the cab being a smoke-free-zone after being used for nights were quite slim.
Determination on my part and the mention of a union representative that wanted to speak with them got things eventually sorted.
I am a reformed smoker (not had a ■■■ for the last 21 years!) but even when I was, I was ‘considerate’. I don’t believe that anyone should be put in a position where they have to breathe-in unwanted smoke or live in a smokey environment. I know some of the new legislation is a bit OTT but there are so many smokers out there who simply don’t know the meaning of the word ‘consideration’ that I feel these controls were were/are inevitable.
i am a smoker but i have no issue with any form of ban whether it be at work,a pub,a resturant ,or a cafe.i enjoy a smoke but i also respect the right of non smokers not to breath in my smoke.to me it is just not an issue.
I hate the smell of smoke, it makes me feel physically ill if I breath too much of it
I don’t think any smoker can complain about any ban forced onto them when they have banned me from enjoying fresh air for years,
As for being considerate, I had a meal in a restaurant in France a couple of years ago with a work colleague and before I finished my first course he lit a cigarette, as the flow of air was away from me, I decided not to make an issue of it. However a few minutes later a French couple walked into the restaurant with their pet poodle. My work mate very loudly started to moan about how disgusting it was to let animals into eating establishments, before I had a chance to say anything the owner of the said poodle came over to our table and told him that the dog had had a bath just before they came out, and asked if he had (which he hadn’t) and then explained that their dog didn’t breath foul smoke all over everyone in the Restaurant. most people in the place didn’t understand what was said, but I was compelled to give the dog owner a round of applause. The dog just sat under the table of its owners throughout the meal. I think my work mate wished he could as well
I think setting fire to a dog in a restaurant is going too far
I cant smoke where I load, I cant smoke where I tip, I dont smoke at home, the only place I can still enjoy a smoke is in my cab with the windows open
bring it on asap
we have one at LCH but it dont apply to supervisors
Wheel Nut:
I think setting fire to a dog in a restaurant is going too far
Depends how ugly she is
I’ve worked with smokers. I used to share a van with one, and TBH the cab was always clean, when you got in it after his week on there was a ‘very slight’ wiff of ■■■■ but it went after an hour or so.
Someone else i used to share a van with at a different place (Tesco.com Dover), used to leave the thing stinking like hell, ash everywhere including all over the seat belt where it had blown on there from the window. He used to leave the ashtrays full of crap… you felt like a wash after you’d been driving it. Filthy ■■■■■■■■
I’ve noticed when ever i share a vehicle with a smoker i get an irritation in my throat that makes me cough. But TBH i’m happy for smokers to smoke so long as it doesnt affect me. If i get in a vehicle and it’s like sitting in an ash tray i’ll moan like hell. If it doesnt smell and is clean i cant complain can i? It’s just a question of being considerate to others, the same as leaving half eaten burgers on the cab floor!
I wondered what you all thought, personaly its never bothered me, and i think this proposed law is going to far, its about time we were given the opotunity to decide some of lifes issuse for ourselves. I’ve had smokers use my trucks before now, and some of them ask if they can smoke in your lorry, I allways say yes, but ask them to be considerate to me not smoking, and i’ve found that this will usually mean that you find the cab as clean inside as when you left it with only a hint of smoke smell, though i’ve known other blokes who’ve point blank refused, but then the smokers attitude would be well the truck belongs to the company, and unless they tell me not to then stuff you, and the cab is high bound. Its all about toleration
I’ve noticed when ever i share a vehicle with a smoker i get an irritation in my throat that makes me cough.
that is because it is affecting you
But TBH I’m happy for smokers to smoke so long as it doesn’t affect me.
look at your last statement
If i get in a vehicle and it’s like sitting in an ash tray I’ll moan like hell. If it doesn’t smell and is clean i cant complain can i?
not if there is nothing wrong with the vehicle, but you can if someone want’s to smoke in your cab while you are in it even if it doesn’t smell.
i am a smoker but i have no issue with any form of ban whether it be at work,a pub,a resturant ,or a cafe.i enjoy a smoke but i also respect the right of non smokers not to breath in my smoke.to me it is just not an issue.
Nice one Warrior!! If all smokers had had that kind of attitude over recent years I don’t think that the forthcoming legislation would’ve been necessary.
I think it’s a bit tight of some non-smokers who will complain all day at work about the smokers polluting the air etc, BUT, quite happily go drinking down town Fri & Sat etc in smoke filled pubs.
I went to a leaving party on Thurs evening. I knew that bar it was being held in was a non-smoking bar but when I got there (I was late!) the smokers outnumbered the non-smokers 7 to 1. No one was enforcing the rules and to be honest I left after 10 mins as I just wasn’t enjoying the atmosphere (as in ‘air’ not ‘party’!!).
If we go out for a Sunday pub/restaurant lunch/dinner we only go to non-smoking establishments as we have the kids (8 & 3½ yrs) with us and I don’t agree with putting them in a ‘Roy Castle’ type of scenario.
If we go out for a Sunday pub/restaurant lunch/dinner we only go to non-smoking establishments as we have the kids (8 & 3½ yrs) with us and I don’t agree with putting them in a ‘Roy Castle’ type of scenario.
I see your point and you are right about your kids i’m the same with mine, but i think that if left alone, over the next decade there will be a market lead drift to non smoking and smoking pubs, land lords are allready seeing the marketing potential of non smoking pubs, and as more non smokers experience them then that is what they will demand, and the effect snowballs until smokers are left with few pubs that eccept it, and like that there is no hand of government laying down more red tape, and as for your truck it will become less and less acceptable for your boss to allow a smoker to smoke in a non smoking vehicle, no regulation needed. Look at drink driving, i know it’s against the law, but it has become less acceptable anyway. Maybe i just feel uneasy at the whitehall jack boot trampling over more and more of our lives, and i’m not codenming the present government, i think it’s a politician thing, Power
i Cant believe some of the comments on here …one saying he feels ill after whiffing smoke…what the ■■■■ are you doing driving a truck then??
you are surrounded =by smoky vehicles along the roads…in yards where you load/unload…smoky 2 stroke 2 wheelers…there is more damage done by vehicles…than by inhaling smoke…aircraft is the biggest polluting vehicle ever built…not forgetting diesel locomotives…dont supose theyre euro 12345 or whatever.
i am a smoker…i will always smoke cos im hooked..have beeen for 45 years, i always open the window anyway..and never use the ashtray..i find dirty ashtrays more revolting than a cigarette...especially in cafe
s/restaurants…i do try and respect others…when i visit someones house for example…i dont smoke in my living room…bedrooms…hallway…etc…but only in the kitchen, where the back door is permanently open…no government will ever stop smokers from smoking…they may restrict places where they can smoke…but will never stamp it out…even if they cost £10 a packet (mine cost £5.65)…so what exactly is the point…it will mean a lot of people changing venues…and maybe a lot of places closing down…for lack of customers…and a good job too…another tactic by big brother…another way of control…notice though…private clubs…or the toffs way of saying gentlemens clubs…are exempt…funny how the m.p`s lookafter themselves…same as the £100,000 pension they awarded themselves when they got into power…nuff said.
eddie snax:
I wondered what you all thought, personaly its never bothered me, and i think this proposed law is going to far, its about time we were given the opotunity to decide some of lifes issuse for ourselves. I’ve had smokers use my trucks before now, and some of them ask if they can smoke in your lorry, I allways say yes, but ask them to be considerate to me not smoking, and i’ve found that this will usually mean that you find the cab as clean inside as when you left it with only a hint of smoke smell, though i’ve known other blokes who’ve point blank refused, but then the smokers attitude would be well the truck belongs to the company, and unless they tell me not to then stuff you, and the cab is high bound. Its all about toleration[/b]
Excellent post Eddie, especially the last remark. Sums it up perfectly.
> truckyboy:
> i Cant believe some of the comments on here …one saying he feels ill after whiffing smoke…what the [zb] are you doing driving a truck then??
> you are surrounded =by smoky vehicles along the roads…in yards where you load/unload…smoky 2 stroke 2 wheelers…there is more damage done by vehicles…than by inhaling smoke…aircraft is the biggest polluting vehicle ever built…not forgetting diesel locomotives…dont supose theyre euro 12345 or whatever.
> i am a smoker…i will always smoke cos im hooked..have beeen for 45 years, i always open the window anyway..and never use the ashtray..i find dirty ashtrays more revolting than a cigarette...especially in cafe
s/restaurants…i do try and respect others…when i visit someones house for example…i dont smoke in my living room…bedrooms…hallway…etc…but only in the kitchen, where the back door is permanently open…no government will ever stop smokers from smoking…they may restrict places where they can smoke…but will never stamp it out…even if they cost £10 a packet (mine cost £5.65)…so what exactly is the point…it will mean a lot of people changing venues…and maybe a lot of places closing down…for lack of customers…and a good job too…another tactic by big brother…another way of control…notice though…private clubs…or the toffs way of saying gentlemens clubs…are exempt…funny how the m.p`s lookafter themselves…same as the £100,000 pension they awarded themselves when they got into power…nuff said.
And even as a non-smoker myself, I 100% agree with you too Bob.
I don’t have problems with People smoking around me and i go so good as never in Nosmoking Bars or Restaurants.
In some case is it unnaturla as it keeps the Tratition upright as well as the Taxoffice gets the Money from that side.