Work in Berkshire

Hi all

I haven’t been on here for a while but thought I’d post an update since getting my first class 1 job with Trg/Tesco.

It’s had its ups and downs so far but it’s an easy job realistically - I’m home every night and it’s experience.
I’ve had to make some seriously testing manoeuvres in tight yards - that’s if you don’t have to reverse in and blind side around a corner onto a bay or something of a similar nature.
Central London in an artic is a ■■■■■.

I’m intrigued to know what other fields of work people are involved in and what they like about their job.

Looking for some inspiration.

Any insight appreciated.

Hi Dave
I remember you, nice to hear back from you :slight_smile:
I have signed up with an agency and have done only 3 shifts so far, 2 for Royal Mail and one for UK Mail, all ‘easy’ with ‘easy reversing onto large bays’.
I see you have the ‘baptism of fire’ with nightmare reverses, how have you coped? have you stopped traffic for half hour and had people calling you names? :open_mouth:
Even though I have ‘easy’ reverses I still managed to screw up and take almost 20 minutes once to reverse onto a bay!! I felt like crying and leaving the truck there and go home :blush: :laughing: but have persisted and ‘eventually’ got it there :unamused:

one good side of your job is that you’ll get good at reversing very quick! or have you not? :grimacing:

Hey man - that sounds good I’d like to do work for either of them.

Yeah at the time it felt horrible and Ive been hot and bothered a few times but now I’ve learnt to cope with lots of different situations so I’m really happy where it’s got me.
Reversing onto a standard bay with lots of space I find easy now but I have been doing it a couple months, at first I was exactly the same it would take me a good 15 minutes to get it perfect!
Although it’s been stressful as some days I actually like a challenge when it’s in a yard it’s fun but in public areas and stuff not so much. But I just know now to block everyone out and stay focused. You have to finish what you started if you catch my drift. Most things are fine except London. It’s just horribly busy and tight as arse holes.
I haven’t held up traffic for that long no but I’ve broken down, smashed a head light, clipped a parked car and all sorts lol. All part of the learning curve I say.

Good luck with the driving

Hey man - that sounds good I’d like to do work for either of them.

I haven’t held up traffic for that long no but I’ve broken down, smashed a head light, clipped a parked car and all sorts lol. All part of the learning curve I say.

Good luck with the driving

well, plenty of shifts with the agency and I am sure Royal Mail would offer a permanent job eventually if you are good etc, though I would not like to do this full time, I like euro-tramping so I would not take up one of this ‘day jobs’ on trucks :laughing:

but it’s good working for them, nice people, easy stuff etc guess the job would be similar to yours (ie pushing cages on/off trailer) but with RM we deliver to a lot of easier places I’d think…well I have not done enough shifts with them to know all the places so they may have trickier ones…

sounds like you’re taking like a fish to water and learning fast :slight_smile: well done London is the most challenging place and all :grimacing:

Ah see I am the opposite to you. I want a day job where I’m home every night. So supermarket or royal mail and that sort of thing is perfect for me.

I’m interested to know what things like powder tankers and bulk grain entails though. Just out if curiosity.

And yeah man I’m embracing it. And I’m sure you are too! You pretty much have to driving a hgv.
It’s fun earning and learning. The first few weeks really didn’t feel like work so the money was a bonus!