Work Experience

Looking for some unpaid work experience on Saturday mornings helping out etc while I phase out of one job and look to gain full time work with my class 2. Any ideas??, refueling, yard work,drivers mate would be a start(Chelmsford, Essex, but will travel)

Looking for some unpaid work experience on Saturday mornings helping out etc while I phase out of one job and look to gain full time work with my class 2. Any ideas??, refueling, yard work,drivers mate would be a start(Chelmsford, Essex, but will travel)

Why travel, you are offering your services for free! :open_mouth:
I’d suggest a smallish firm where there isn’t as much red tape to cut with you hanging about and learning…

Still not sure I agree with free though, as being paid something would also help cut some of that red tape as you would then be insured to be there. :wink:

Best of luck! :smiley:

Thanks for getting back, Seems a bit cheeky asking for money when you don’t know the trade/ropes as such but I will take your thoughts on board cheers mate.

Thanks for getting back, Seems a bit cheeky asking for money when you don’t know the trade/ropes as such but I will take your thoughts on board cheers mate.

Don’t bother asking to work for free, you’re only mugging yourself off. Be up front with people and say you don’t have experience but your willing to get stuck in. Why work for free when you could get paid to start? Many places get zero experience newbies, yes the jobs are dire or can be but its the bottom of the ladder and the only way is up.

Just a query but have you worked in previous jobs for free?
There are plenty of Facebook pages advertising hgv/lgv jobs even seen one today for skips in Chelmsford.

Yep it is a bad idea I can see that now…Getting a full time start seems easier than getting some Saturday work at the moment but with 12 to 24 months left on a contract I cant go full time at the moment so thought about getting some experience on Saturdays in the meantime…getting someone to take me under their wing on the odd Saturday is a tall ask though which is understandable totally? Thanks for your thoughts though lads…Ill have a re think. cheers.

You could do agency as long as you are within wtd, don’t ask me to explain that one though[FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH]

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Cheers have been to talk to a couple of Agencies they want experienced people they can just ’ parachute’ in without any fuss who can get on with the work is what I am hearing. Catch 22 really ? I will wait till my contract is over and just go for it from a standing start i guess… Frustrating though, Got my licence, got CPC, got drivers card, but no work on Saturday mornings to get some experience?
Cheers though mate.

OK, I think I have the full picture now, you need to go and apply for a Saturday morning JOB in a builders merchants yard, as I can assure that if you can legally drive their truck, you will quickly be in it! :smiley:

I.E when the scheduled driver pulls a sickie! :laughing:
Plus even if you’re not in the truck, I suspect you’d learn a lot in general about the game and how it works…

Top advise I am heading to the local yards this Saturday and thanks for the pointer, cheers

Try going on the supermarkets on weekend work and bank holidays don’t listen to agency’s no experience crap loads of people coming over from the Eu find work all the time no problem

Top advise I am heading to the local yards this Saturday and thanks for the pointer, cheers

Best of luck, and try to explain to them why you want a Saturday job, as i can’t imagine many employers who wouldn’t like a general dog’s body and back up driver! :laughing:

P.S. If you’re not used to forklifts, stay the hell away from it and ALWAYS make eye contact with the driver before approaching…

Cheers Lads.