Wood You be interested

Hi All,

fancy building a house, log cabin, nice summer decking - I have the nod for collection of timber not your usual tip granted. Somedays I love this job.

Pictures taken by me today, waiting for the Nod!! :wink:

lets build a TNet summer party house :smiley:

You always get the good stuff down south.
We got a beach full of soggy [zb]ing biscuits. :laughing:

Can’t talk we have set up a Trucknet Kent Splinter group!! :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

I’ll get my coat :smiley:

I took ofFENCE to that

Plank!!! :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

Don’t STAKE it out on me because you are SAW.

That’s even worse I apologise again

How wooden were those comebacks?

If you need a hand recovering it give me a should i’m used to handling wood

N2N Transport:
Plank!!! :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

Don’t STAKE it out on me because you are SAW.

That’s even worse I apologise again

well you WOOD say that :wink: :laughing: :laughing:


please think before you POST!!! :smiley:

Oh - I thought this was a serious thread - I should’ve TWIGGED it wasn’t :blush: :blush:

I must BRANCH out into something else…

I think this thread has really washed up now

I think this thread has really washed up now

on the beech ?

The tread is drifting , then it wood

Denis F:
on the beech ?

:laughing: :laughing: Nope, not a beech, but the answer is :arrow_right: HERE :wink:

At least you wouldnt have to worry about it swelling when in rained