Why is it that when people get on the motorways they go straight into a certain lane and thats where they stay untill they get off. Friday on the M25 I indicate to pull out to overtake a Sainsburys wagon when Mr. ■■■■ decides to speed up along side me then slow back down so I`m still indicating for at least a mile with nothing on the right of him in the outer two lanes by this time hes along side my cab with his ■■■■■ waving her finger at me so I gave a blast of my horn and gestered that they should move over but in a polite manner to which he went beserk and shot forward, so I pulled out when he then gestered I was a ■■■■■■ and slammed his brakes on then kept pointing to the hard shoulder and then moved across to drive into it and stop so I followed which was when he changed his mind went across all 4 lanes and ■■■■■■ off never to be seen again which brings me to why■■? what was the point of it all, are cars now fitted with scalectrix type guides which automaticly drop into an invisible groove on the motorway and only lift up when they want to pull off again god knows. If you pull out to overtake they sit behind you and wont use another lane and when you pull back in they look at you with total disgust as though youve caused them real pain and heartache. Instead of the poxy laws they make up why dont the goverment crack down on these people hard 6 points and £1000 fine for lane hogging same as phones instead of small fines 6 points and a grand people would soon stop and drink drivers no 1 year ban get caught and thats it for life your license is gone never to be given back were too soft over here, bring on the revolution…Power to the people Wolfie…
I love the ones who are stuck in the centre lane at 70, you indicate (Bear in mind nothing in outside lane) and they flash you out, then slow down to 54 while you overtake, you pull in and off they go at 70 again, no trying to change lanes, nothing…Why?
Then of course you get the truckers in cars, centre lane, get undertaken by a lowloader, then come on a internet forum whinging, again Why??
If I get one alongside, and im indicating, they get 20 seconds, if nothing in the outside lane I start to move over, 9 times out of ten when the side run bars ar 3cm from the side of thier car, the bottle goes and they move over, alls fair in love and war.
Welcome to the Motorways of Great Britain…This is now part and parcel of the job…CHUFFIN ■■■■■ THE LOT OF THEM!!!
Those who slow to 45MPH in roadworks with a 50MPH speed limit/average speed cameras in place and then just sit there in the middle lane just bimbling along are mind boggling. Why not just move into the inside lane? Why do they just weld themselves to the middle lane? Sometimes the only option is to undertake them. Even when you do that they don’t get the message and still they sit there, happily milling along.
on my last trip to the uk i was heading north on the M42 through the roadworks with the average 50 signs up.
i was stuck behind a guy in one of those 4x4 pick ups with a plastic body on the back, like builders use doing 40
i kept a decent distance back and didn’t flash or anything even though he was a complete ■■■■■■.
when the end of roadworks came i indicated and pulled out and as i was empty quite quickly got level with him at which point he put his foot down and left me in the overtaking lane with nothing on my left.
as i pulled in i flashed my headlights as per the highway code to let him know i was there and that he had just undertaken me to which he opened his window and started doing the coffee bean shake with his right hand.
i flashed again to say thankyou for calling me a tanker to which he indicated left onto the hard shoulder and waved at me to join him for what i presumed to be some fisticuffs
i indicated right to overtake and he pulled out to the overtaking lane and slammed his brakes on so hard i had to swerve into the inside lane to miss him and many cars behind were flashing their lights and blowing their horns.
he then rejoined my lane and slowed to 40 and did the coffeebean again so i tried to overtake again with exactly the same result
by this time i was so angry i thought its better to stop than have an accident so i pulled onto hard shoulder and stopped, i rang the police with his number and explained what happened and they asked if i could come into a station to make a statement to which i replied no can’t it be done on the phone and they said no you could be making this up
i think if it had been a truck driver they would have done something about it but yet again cars are perfect and we are treated as scum.
i’ve got his no. plate though so if ever i see him again i will make sure i accidentally scratch his car with my trailer or empty my bottle of wee in the air inlet on the bonnet
i flashed again to say thankyou for calling me a tanker to which he indicated left onto the hard shoulder and waved at me to join him for what i presumed to be some fisticuffs
I had fun with one of these a couple of weeks back. I’d gone up the inside of him in roadworks cos he was refusing to move, he didn’t like this, so he decided to start playing games, he’d pull past giving it all the hand signals then brake so I had to go round him. Eventually he started waving towards the side of the road, so I waited until he was behind me, and pulled into a layby (nice and close to the end ) he pulled in behind, came storming up the side of the motor, just as he got level with the cab, off I go
. The look on his face still makes me giggle now
I got a blast on the horn when he came past a couple of minutes later, but he left me alone after that. I couldn’t believe he didn’t figure what I was going to do when I was just sat there with the engine running.
Then of course you get the truckers in cars, centre lane, get undertaken by a lowloader, then come on a internet forum whinging, again Why??
Slipped that in there nicely, Coddy
i flashed again to say thankyou for calling me a tanker to which he indicated left onto the hard shoulder and waved at me to join him for what i presumed to be some fisticuffsI had fun with one of these a couple of weeks back. I’d gone up the inside of him in roadworks cos he was refusing to move, he didn’t like this, so he decided to start playing games, he’d pull past giving it all the hand signals then brake so I had to go round him. Eventually he started waving towards the side of the road, so I waited until he was behind me, and pulled into a layby (nice and close to the end
) he pulled in behind, came storming up the side of the motor, just as he got level with the cab, off I go
. The look on his face still makes me giggle now
I got a blast on the horn when he came past a couple of minutes later, but he left me alone after that. I couldn’t believe he didn’t figure what I was going to do when I was just sat there with the engine running.
I don’t bother playing games, if they want to pull over for fisticuffs then that’s fine with me. Most tend to realise their mistake when I get out. I stand at 6"8 and 24 stone. And they generally run away. Those that come at me are so angry that they have no control so a quick jab, job done.
The best one I had was a bloke who cut me up. I flashed my lights and he starts bouncing around in his car. He is giving me all the hand signs, but I was late for a job interview so I just carried on. He pulls into the inside lane o the dual carriageway still giving the signs.
Anyway we get to the roundabout at the end of road I go right and he decides to follow, he manages to get past me and then stops dead in the Middle of the road. He gets out giving it the large. He is about 50 five feet nothing and looks like a cross between medallion man and an estate agent. So off comes the seatbelt and out I get with a few choice words, all he says is ohh ■■■■ then runs aways when I go for him. In the process he leaves his car with the keys still in it. Out comes his keys and straight over the roof of the nearest house, I get back in reverse a bit down the road and drive round his abadoned car have a little chuckle to myself.
IMHO unless you are willing to get out and back your comments and hand gestures up then you shouldn’t make them in the first place.