Wonder which haulier this was then


“I didn’t really know it was drugs, I can tell you that,” he added.

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:


Glad police, customs etc… put so much effort in to getting dangerous drugs off the streets :imp:

What a waste of police time and money dealing with a load of a cannabis, its insane the streets are awash with heroin and crack, cities full of junkies, people with guns fighting over the hard drug trade and we put so much effort into stoping a harmless drug. What a waste of time.

shows how much time the boss spends in the warehouse he was either blind or sky high? not to know they were drugs. :unamused: At least the old bill showed willing only took them a few months to bust them.

and we put so much effort into stoping a harmless drug

Speaking as someone who used to live with a lad who got himself psychologically hooked on pot, I can assure you there is nothing harmless about it at all. I have the scars to prove it.

Had to laugh, it shows that drug abuse isn’t just the pastime of the young.

why go after the ones that smuggle the drugs in?
it should be an offence to take drugs/be addicted to drugs.
if someone is found to have any illegal drug in their bloodstream, then they get 12 months hard labour. after a third offence the druggy should be hanged in public. this will deter people from taking drugs.
then no one will have customers to sell their drugs to.

the taliban will be [zb]ed aswell. they earn a good living from growing drugs.

so it is my opinion that our government is commiting treason by doing [zb] all about the problems in this once great country.

have a nice day.