Wonder how this happened?

news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/tay … 385189.stm


Nice :smiley:

There’s no sign of the chassis or cab in the picture, so maybe it wasn’t attached ?
Can’t believe he would have been driving on the motorway with it raised.

Perhaps he left the pto in !!! :smiley:

From the colour of the body that could be part of a Denny Tipper Hire motor. Their yard is right next to the Haggs junction.

So it’s quite possible someone left their yard with the body raised. :open_mouth:

You can imagine the scene in the cab just after …

What the ■■■■ was that, oh, ■■■■ me, lets ■■■■ off before the ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■ see me. that’s my licence ■■■■■■ !


How do you make that phone call to the boss■■? lol

Sally traffic mentioned this in her traffic report just after I came off the boat at 7 this morning. My boss told me it had happened before he got into the yard this morning because he heard it in the traffic report at 06.20. It was eventually cleared at about 7 this evening.

Now I don’t know about you, but my first thought was, why is that Corsa inside the tipper body ■■?
I’m pretty sure that, even in the dark, I would notice a tipper body going up in front of me. I would then think, “Oh Dear, this looks like an accident waiting to happen”. So I would take appropriate action, like drop back a l-o-n-g way.

BBC News:
The truck driver and the male elderly driver of a Vauxhall Corsa behind it both escaped injury.

Unless of course, the BBC News report hasn’t got it quite right :open_mouth: :open_mouth: , and the Corsa was so far back that the driver didn’t see it going up and was suddenly presented with the wedged tipper body in front of him, in the dark, obviously with no lights on it. But if so, how did everyone else manage to miss the car and tipper body ■■? Or does an empty body go up that quickly ■■

why is that Corsa inside the tipper body

BBC News wrote:
The truck driver and the male elderly driver of a Vauxhall Corsa behind it both escaped injury.

Nuff said

i think that happened to one of webbs recently on the a13 too…

not sure how its caused to be honest, leaving the pto in, you would think they would notice a change in the handling or the body going up…

Not having a great lot of experience with PTO’s wouldn’t they drop out as soon as the handbreak is released? The only vehicle I’ve ever driven, with a PTO, did.

Could be a donkey engine on a trailer I suppose.

Having spent a few years on tippers you’d be amazed how many times a driver sets off with the body still tipped up.

That being said you’d have to go some to make it on to a motorway without either being flagged down or ■■■■■■■ something.

Most tipping gear requires some kind of positive effort on the lever to actually tip up the body ie: a sprung lever that only tips when pushed against the spring. Also most gearbox driven PTO’s make the change a little noisy if left in.

Also I notice that there is no tailboard on what is a well used body (look at the state of the floor) so I suspect it might have been transported on a trailer and either slipped off the back or sufficient wind got under it to flip it back. That would maybe explain how the corsa ended up in the back.


The same thing happened on Sheffield Parkway. he driver had driven away with the tipper body rising he hadn’t got far before he went under the new bridge. Well he did ,the body didn’t