Women ..

:smiley: :sunglasses: :wink:

At last - things simplified for the little man. How sweet :laughing:

At last - things simplified for the little man. How sweet :laughing:

Have they designed a washing machine that sorts the clothes into the right piles, knows what cycle to put them on and then dries and folds them the way my wife wants them folded yet? :laughing:

Now that is what we women call multi tasking!!!

Now that is what we women call multi tasking!!!

Multi tasking :question: :question: :question:

You only do those things one task at a time.
Sort the cloths.
Put them into the machine, for the machine to do the actual washing :stuck_out_tongue:
Put them on the washing line or in the drier (unless you’ve got a washer/drier, in which case you don’t even need this step :stuck_out_tongue: ).
Fold them up.

always had a sneaking reguard for intelligence :wink: :laughing: