
Is it an offence to have things on show in your windscreens for example a numberplate with a name on or small flags or general cab decorations as long as you can see out and have good all round vision is there a problem i see a lot of trucks with decorations in the windows but we have been told we are to remove ours because vosa say or is this a company thing and they are saying it is vosa.

i do believe in the legal sense it is an offence to have anything in your windscreen that may affect your vision of the road. but i dont think vosa would stop you as long as you do have clear vision and it doesn’t distract you while driving.

no doubt someone will be along to tell you that know a bit more than me but I’m guessing it is just the company saying its vosa.

just take look around the next time you’re out driving at all the dangly things in truck windows (and i dont mean ■■■■■’ :wink: )

one of our drivers got a GV9 (or whatever it is called now) for too many flags etc in his window, any time I moved his truck they all went onto his bunk, put them up when you are parked if you must but please try to keep your windscreen as clear as you possibly can when you are on the move, if someone get in a blind spot behind some window ornament and you run them over you would never be able to live with yourself…Oh and keep your curtains back beyond the side windows, it is a truck, not a cottage

one of our drivers got a GV9 (or whatever it is called now) for too many flags etc in his window, any time I moved his truck they all went onto his bunk, put them up when you are parked if you must but please try to keep your windscreen as clear as you possibly can when you are on the move, if someone get in a blind spot behind some window ornament and you run them over you would never be able to live with yourself…Oh and keep your curtains back beyond the side windows, it is a truck, not a cottage

i agree to a certain extent but i dont mind some scarves in the window but as long as they are along the bottom and not in the middle like some of the europeans have them.

as for number plates with your name on them what is the problem with that? as long as it isnt offensive it helps in some places because when people see it they call you by that name not just ‘drives’

The vehicle will not get through an MOT with stuff in the windscreen, which tells you all you need to know on the legality of it.

the mr job worth vosa mot man last month when having me truck mot’d @ pontypool wanted the german maut thing moved from the bottom centre of windscreen it was just in the “sweep mark” and the factory fitted MAN little dash top table removed too

The vehicle will not get through an MOT with stuff in the windscreen, which tells you all you need to know on the legality of it.

This is true and exactly what I was going to say.

…wanted the german maut thing moved from the bottom centre of windscreen it was just in the “sweep mark”

Top Tip: Move it out of the swept area or fit shorter wiper blades. :wink: