Windows 7

Hi guys any one have any ideas where i can get a windows 7 disk as i need a fresh install on an old xp lappy cheers many other computer hardware stores should sell them also, hope this helps :slight_smile:

Search results for 'windows 7' | SCAN UK many other computer hardware stores should sell them also, hope this helps :slight_smile:

Thanks mate how to i find our if i need 32 or 64 bit

if its a old xp laptop it will be 32 bit.

Usually it should tell you on the genuine sticker underneath the laptop if hasnt rubed off, also im not sure if system properties will tell you cant remember with xp

It may be a good idea to check that your laptop will run Windows 7 if you haven’t already.

Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor

If its an old xp laptop, you be better install xp again
win 7 will make it slow as [zb].
i tried it on an 7 year old acer 1.5ghz and it made it IMPOSSIBLE to use

If its an old xp laptop, you be better install xp again
win 7 will make it slow as [zb].
i tried it on an 7 year old acer 1.5ghz and it made it IMPOSSIBLE to use

trouple is you cant get an activation code foe it now

if its a old xp laptop it will be 32 bit.

Weather is supports 64 bit is down to what processor it has fitted, even some very old processors will support 64bit.

That said if the laptop has less then 4GB ram there’s no need for 64. If it has 1GB or even worse 512mb I would see if you can get an upgrade.

Also when you buy Windows 7 you’ll get a serial number and a disk. Although the disk will be either 32 or 64 bit the serial number can be used with either version.

EDIT: DRAM, Solid State Drive (SSD) & Memory Upgrades | Crucial UK is handy for checking if your laptop will take more memory and what type it needs.