Wincaton containers and norbit

talking to a wincanton driver this morning, he said that they were being sold to norbits anyone heard anything? i know wincanton are restructoring sold there interests in europe and have pulled back into the uk to consentrate on the home markets :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

untrue, stobarts are buying both companies with goverment money at -10% interest.

i heard about this bloke who spoke to a wincanton driver that said they were being sold to nobrots, apart from that i ain’t heard owt . anyone else heard anything :grimacing:


at 80p per share, with no fluctuation.
it seems prety unlikely.

Dressingtables have moved into China in a big way. They’ve bought out TDG, and they’re already big within the tescos system. It would not surprise me at all if the tail ended up wagging the dog here… They might even make a hostile move on tesco itself :open_mouth: should it’s share price drop low enough, and some of their new Chinese chums supply the finance required!

Shame they’re yet another firm looking to employ primates rather than the more astute drivers with higher renumeration expectations… :grimacing: :grimacing:

at 80p per share, with no fluctuation.
it seems prety unlikely.

If wincantons are about to fall over, then the share price will go overnight.

There seems to be a lot of people that think a share price of a firm going down the tubes trades at every single price between its current level and zero.

PollyPeck was quoted at 108p and went to zero in one hit from there. No one was saved - among ordinary investors that is. Only the big firms got out, and they’d sold at all the prices down to 108p from a lot higher over the previous weeks before the axe fell on suspension day…

Never let sentiment get in the way of common sense. Wincanton are a sell. Nobbys are a long term buy. :sunglasses:

untrue, stobarts are buying both companies with goverment money at -10% interest.

Just saw a Nobby Dingledangle and a Wincanton parked in same layby on A14 and while there a Stobbie went past so it must all be true :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

untrue, stobarts are buying both companies with goverment money at -10% interest.

as long as were buying them thats fine, i wouldnt want nobbys to buy stobarts as there work is different,they once[agency] asked me too go to wisbech after daventry,no map,no-one would help when i rang t.o,i could of cried,once is enough,i like my A-B with a map,i dont want to be sent to difficult places,wisbech on a night is stuff made of nightmares :frowning: