Wincanton nwp contract

Hi Wincanton are advertising for LGV 1 drivers in Glasgow Nwp contract. I’ve had a look on the forum,Google can’t see what Nwp means,anyone ideas what it is,pay etc thanks. I Did agency Work for Wincanton years ago seemed v good company to work for.

Have you tried phoning them up and asking them?
It is what I would do.

I’ve looked in the actual wincanton website and it tells you what it is on there. It’s Nationwide Platrofm contract delivering access equipment. Eg Cherry pickers and genie lifts etc.

Thanks for replys, I’ve applied see how it goes

Mailby, I’ve sent you an email.

Thank you sent reply

Wincanton have taken over the platform movements for Nationwide,


Avoid them mate, mate of mine works at Leicester one. Says driver turnover is a joke and Wincanton buggered the lot up by trying to organise plant using Paragon and it’s all set up wrong. Wincanton at odds with Nationwide and contract could be pulled. Mate is on 28k for Artic and each depo is different pay so aim for high as poss. Mate says AFI, Kimberley and UK are the better firms to get on for. I do bits for AFI here and there, plant is excellent work, no waiting around and more to the job than just driving. I do diggers and rollers etc now.

One good thing about plant jobs are they put you through all tickets. You’ll need load/unload and ipaf operators. Two yellow cards.

Artic get better work like 45’s and up or big diesel scissors, beavers get the fiddly stuff and really tight drops. 19s are OK but the push along hop up elecys are a right pain in the are. The good stuff like Titans and Lift lux and JLG125 and upwards are the brilliant drops. Chaining is a doddle and remember to retension soon after setting off. 3 45’s on a trailer takes some doing but it will all come mate.