Wincanto sherburn in elmet sacking drivers

I’m over a year at sainsbury’s wincanton,on morning shifts.But they force new rota system in, a week ago, and try to push drivers in to stupid starting times,appealed but they gave more shett shifts to choose from, told them I not accept the chainges , and forced to write leaving notice or be liable to discipline procedure and eventual dismissal if not doing new rotas.

Doubt it’s 15, drivers are known for giving it the big un then bending over.
Why not find another job whilst suffering these times then have great pleasure in telling em to do one.

Might be worth looking at your contract though to see if these times are a reasonable change.

Wincanton in being a crap company to work for shocker.

yep unions they rubish too just helps them self have good rotas and us to write grevancies :smiley:

yep unions they rubish too just helps them self have good rotas and us to write grevancies :smiley:

Does the reps trousers have a flap in the seat :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

blue estate:

yep unions they rubish too just helps them self have good rotas and us to write grevancies :smiley:

Does the reps trousers have a flap in the seat :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

yep.Wincanton two different rules , ones for privelege orher for new or foreigners foreigner drivers.

Why not find another job whilst suffering these times then have great pleasure in telling em to do one.

Because if you refuse the change in contract the only option they have is to make the job redundant and then you get redundancy pay. If you tell them to do one and you’ve been working there for years you can be doing yourself out of £1000s in redundancy pay.

send them one week notice, but no chois have to do on new rota or have disciplin procedure if refuse!

(Added this bit as I have s new phone and I’m crap on it, predictive text is doing me hedge in.)
True but the OP has already walked and probably been employed for a short term anyway.

By true I mean your close but not quite accurate. Thought you knew this stuff. :wink:

(Added this bit as I have s new phone and I’m crap on it, predictive text is doing me hedge in.)
True but the OP has already walked and probably been employed for a short term anyway.

By true I mean your close but not quite accurate. Thought you knew this stuff. :wink:

No I’m over an year, others over 4-5-6 years, total 20 driver been selectet by some point system , 15 appealed may 10 - 11 rejected appeals.

Think you need 2 years before full employment rights kick in, breach of contract or constructive dismissal for the long service dryers might be worth looking into.

Thing is, this year there is going to be an abundance of well-paid temp position across Christmas I reckon.

If I’m right - Sainburies will be crying in their beer entrusting this Christmas to wincanski by boxing day. :smiley: :smiling_imp:

Sainburies will be crying in their beer entrusting this Christmas to wincanski by boxing day. :smiley: :smiling_imp:

I doubt it, Christmas will be flat for most supermarkets, the forecasters know it, otherwise they wouldn’t pull a stunt like this. Haydock can cover quite a bit of their work too[emoji16][emoji6]

Thing is, this year there is going to be an abundance of well-paid temp position across Christmas I reckon.

If I’m right - Sainburies will be crying in their beer entrusting this Christmas to wincanski by boxing day. :smiley: :smiling_imp:

Nope, the time change request will have come from Sainsburys, Wincanton is just obeying their request. Some driver loss is expected but these are easily replaced.
To Wincanton the truck is the asset the driver is the liability and the contract is the priority.

However as mentioned there are some priority drivers who can move from contract to contract, these are the ones who realise how the system works.


Sainburies will be crying in their beer entrusting this Christmas to wincanski by boxing day. :smiley: :smiling_imp:

I doubt it, Christmas will be flat for most supermarkets, the forecasters know it, otherwise they wouldn’t pull a stunt like this. Haydock can cover quite a bit of their work too[emoji16][emoji6]

they crying already,but they never admit they mistakes. now hiring maritime 500 quid p day, five agencies advertising every day, they strugle couple weeks ago borrow 30 drivers from northampton deppo came with minibus. rhey training 10 new drivers,but after week or two 7-8 fct and leavs.

they crying now hiring maritime 500 quid p day, five agencies advertising , they strugle couple weeks ago borrow 30 drivers from northampton deppo came with minibus.

I thought the Sainsbury/Marmite thing was a one off lol

Maritime are in big trouble, virtually uninsurable allegedly according to rumour. A lot of Maritime drivers coming over to Wincanton so the gossip mongers are saying.

Maritime are in big trouble, virtually uninsurable allegedly

Why don’t they self insure then?


Maritime are in big trouble, virtually uninsurable allegedly

Why don’t they self insure then?

I believe they are due to the massive excess.

Because if you refuse the change in contract the only option they have is to make the job redundant

think that you’re wrong Conor. Reading between the lines it appears that the shop stewards have accepted this change and I guess that the OP’s contract states he is subject to union agreements, so as I understand he is refusing a change to contract agreed to on his behalf by the union… acceptance or leaving are his only choices.
Redundancy doesn’t come into it IMO.