Wiltshire grain, a sorry and a thankyou!

Hi, anyone at wiltshire grain today I am sorry for holding you up! I made a hash up of tipping the grain too fast into the hopper? And overflowing it :blush: but I’d like to say a big thanks to I think Alan who helped me shovel the mound back into the thingy! Hopper? I can tell you I won’t be doing that again, it took what seemed like ages to clear up and on top of that I haven’t felt so embarrassed/awkward for ages!

Think we’ve all done that on the tippers, i did the same in a previous lifetime at Seaforth Mill, about 5 ton over the top of the tailboard… :blush:

No i didn’t do it again either, but no bugger helped me…

As a decent old farmer stick once said to me…‘‘if thats the worse thing that ever happens to us we shan’t be done so bad’’…a wise saying thats stayed with me for a lifetime…

Hi, anyone at wiltshire grain today I am sorry for holding you up! I made a hash up of tipping the grain too fast into the hopper? And overflowing it :blush: but I’d like to say a big thanks to I think Alan who helped me shovel the mound back into the thingy! Hopper? I can tell you I won’t be doing that again, it took what seemed like ages to clear up and on top of that I haven’t felt so embarrassed/awkward for ages!

What did you do, just open the tailgate and send it to the top? Or just tip it up to high and it pusses out the top of the sheet?

Bloody predictive! It meant to say pis-sed!!


Hi, anyone at wiltshire grain today I am sorry for holding you up! I made a hash up of tipping the grain too fast into the hopper? And overflowing it :blush: but I’d like to say a big thanks to I think Alan who helped me shovel the mound back into the thingy! Hopper? I can tell you I won’t be doing that again, it took what seemed like ages to clear up and on top of that I haven’t felt so embarrassed/awkward for ages!

What did you do, just open the tailgate and send it to the top? Or just tip it up to high and it pusses out the top of the sheet?

Nah, it’s only my 1st week and have been doing it really slowly out the tailgate but there was another wagon next to me and his tipper body was a lot higher than mine, (he’d pulled on the same time as me) so thought if he can do it so can I! What I didn’t know was that most people use their grain shoot for tipping into the hopper which is what he was doing so could tip a lot higher than I could!

Just hope you never do the same with fish meal. No one will help you clear that up.

Oh and you will stink for the next 5 months.

chap if that’s the only mistake you make you will be doing well, I’ve blown the tailgate clean off a trailer when I first started, tipping a load of mushroom compost years ago.
that was an interesting exercise trying to get the tailgate back into the trailer to get it home :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

If your ever unfortunate enough to go to nelstrops, tip the bloody lot on the floor an get yourself banned. You’ll be doing yourself a favour lol

If your ever unfortunate enough to go to nelstrops, tip the bloody lot on the floor an get yourself banned. You’ll be doing yourself a favour lol

Well said that man…if there’s anywhere you need to be banned from…that’s the place…it’s a ■■■■ hole.


If your ever unfortunate enough to go to nelstrops, tip the bloody lot on the floor an get yourself banned. You’ll be doing yourself a favour lol

Well said that man…if there’s anywhere you need to be banned from…that’s the place…it’s a [zb] hole.

+1. Was first in queue and still didn’t leave till 8.45!!

Tipper men rushing! never

chap if that’s the only mistake you make you will be doing well, I’ve blown the tailgate clean off a trailer when I first started, tipping a load of mushroom compost years ago.
that was an interesting exercise trying to get the tailgate back into the trailer to get it home :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

How did you manage that? (Just so I know how not to do it)!


chap if that’s the only mistake you make you will be doing well, I’ve blown the tailgate clean off a trailer when I first started, tipping a load of mushroom compost years ago.
that was an interesting exercise trying to get the tailgate back into the trailer to get it home :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

How did you manage that? (Just so I know how not to do it)!

it all came out in one lump not good, should of opened the barn door instead, young and naïve :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

If your ever unfortunate enough to go to nelstrops, tip the bloody lot on the floor an get yourself banned. You’ll be doing yourself a favour lol

What and miss out on the nice ladys in the lab and then draw on to the round about into the on coming traffic to get on the weighbridge !! all good fun there !! NOT !!

Tipper men rushing! never

LOL!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: This reminds me of when i did my one and only week on a tipper, a six wheeler rigid. Took a load of sand to a building site, formans says “drop about a third here driver then pull forward a couple of houses and drop another third then forward another couple of houses and drop the rest”, signs my ticket and walks off mistakeingly thinking i know what i"m doing.
I drop a little here pull forwrd the required distance and start to drop another third only nothing comes out, tipper up a bit more but still nothing so i give it a little lurch forward but no luck :imp: So then i had a bright idea, i pulled forward a bit then reversed like hell and stood on the brakes :wink:
You can probably guess what happened, yes, the whole flipping lot came out then and there :open_mouth:
