willie betz

watching the fuel protest convoy on bbc1 or was it central news there was a willie betz truck in the convoy :open_mouth: :open_mouth: , i wouldnt of thought the fuel prices in this country would affect him.
or did he just happen to get entwined in the convoy somehow :question:

Betz have got some uk registered trucks so it was perhaps one of those.

Probably nipped in for a crafty bit of cabotage while the rest of you were protesting :laughing:

i wouldnt of thought the fuel prices in this country would affect him.

well, you’d better look around first. fuel is bloody expansive nearly everywhere and nearly everywhere most of the price is tax. uk’s fuel prices are also not the highest in europe: diesel costs more in norway for example, sweden adn denmark are abotu the same.
but, comparing fuel prices in absolute numbers means absolutely nothing. you have to relate them to some local conditions.
if it is 130ppl in the uk and say 90 in say latvia, it’s not really 30% cheaper as it seems to be. taking into account average income, in the uk say £1500, in latvia say £500… you see, the latvian fuel is actually 2x dearer (at least for latvians).

note: I do not vote in favour of the current status. something should be done but probably nothing will be.

i was personally surprised the protest has made it to headlines and was supported by general public. good job!

I saw him , i could,nt stop laughing i bet he thought he was in a ferry lane or in a Q for the train , How do you confuse a Betz driver , knock on his cab door and (holding a map ) ask him for directions , then stand back and enjoy all the face expressions ,bless em

How do you confuse a Betz driver , knock on his cab door and (holding a map ) ask him for directions , then stand back and enjoy all the face expressions ,bless em

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Pure genius :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: