Will i get banned?

Hi all a few weeks ago i got flashed on the A9 heading south between inverness and perth on a single carriage way (40mph) at 60 mph. After saying yes it was me i recieved a letter this week saying words to the effect of , we deem this excessive speed to high to be dealt with by way of a fixed penalty so we are refering it to the courts ! Now i am 22 already got three points for jumping a red so will they ban me or six points etc ■■? Oh and please no do gooders saying i should not be speeding i know that but we have ALL done it . Thanks rich.

I wouldn’t think they’ll ban you. Probably pay more in fine, maybe report you to TC, tell you to not get into more trouble, watch how you go etc… Because your licence is vocational that will probably be a deciding factor for you keeping it. But also because it is vocational it will be a deciding factor in you losing it i would imagine if you have anymore repeat performances !!




in a car you get banned for twice the speed limit, in a truck you get banned for 50%.
but only fools plead guilty.
i’ve got off with 3 speedings, and found guilty for 1. now that’s preaty good odds. so never plead guilty to [zb] all.
don’t let the [zb] grind you down.

What excuse is there though . I knew the speed i should have been doing and i knew the speed i was doing. Seems pretty straight forward to me ■■

Did you ask for a copy of the calibration certificate, it may not have been done for a while, so deemed to be inacurate, oh and photo evidence?

Oh and the photo evidence should be asked for as long as possible after the offence, they have a habit of overwriting photos after about 3 months, no photo no evidence, or it used to be may have changed.

The photo will be available at the local office in perth if he wishes to view it,as for the calibration i think it will all be in order and yes it will most probably go against you in court.he admitted to it end of, take the punishment and learn by your mistakes and move on.

Thats what i was thinking . my balls up so just take what is coming to me .

Thing is if i was looking at a ban because i got sent a ticket saying i was doing 60 mph and i wasnt 100% sure i was doing that speed, i would want to see the evidence, it cant get any worse just because you ■■■■■■ off a copper, at the end of the day its there evidence against yours, ziltch, its your right to see both photos not just one. its a judge that judges you not the police or cps they just present the evidence.

If you had refused to say who was driving the worst they could of given you is 6 points! Even if you were doing 130 mph!!!

Trying to get off with it on a technicality, depends if its a permanent camera or temp one for roadworks. I’d def be wanting to see proof anyways.

Ther permanent cameras have been on the A9 for years, and a lot of people will have been banned or hammered and tried every trick in the book to get off with it, so prob find most of these loopholes prob closed. If there is loopholes for a certain camera prob find the info online somewhere like Safespeed but chances slim.

If its roadworks a much better chance of finding something that wasnt quite right like which could invalidate the ticket.

No i was not running illegal i was fully loaded and going down a little hill which tipped me over the edge . Can i not just send a letter and not attend because i am not going to argue anything ? I was speeding i should not have been guilty as charged .

60mph in a fully loaded truck down hill in a 40mph speed limit single carriageway. Your lucky to be getting away with a speeding charge. That’s dangerous driving in my book.

I wouldn’t think they’ll ban you. Probably pay more in fine, maybe report you to TC, tell you to not get into more trouble, watch how you go etc… Because your licence is vocational that will probably be a deciding factor for you keeping it. But also because it is vocational it will be a deciding factor in you losing it i would imagine if you have anymore repeat performances !!

I don’t think the courts will ban you but the TC may decide to suspend your vocational (LGV) licence for a set period - this will not affect your basic licence - you will be able to drive a car.

The only way a court is likely to impose a ban is if you were being charged with dangerous driving or you are under the new driver 6 points limit (unlikely for a LGV driver).

I have to say 60 in a 40 is not good, much as it goes against the grain of using service brakes on a hill to save then getting hot etc, you really should have used gears, retarders etc…

Not only can you get done for speeding, 20 over the top will result in the local TC hearing about it, also a chance that you ‘could’ be done for overspeed on speed limiter…

Dont know what to suggest that could be positive, loads of loopholes being closed, to a point that cameras are now blatent extortion…

Good luck.

I say hill it was just a little decline for about 300yds . When you have 28 ton of wood pushing you it soon gets over the limiter . It was not dangerous it was a straight road and i could see the flat just after the little decline. I am sure i was doing 60 at that time because i looked after i seen this big flash lol . Rog i know what you mean they might revoke my hgv licence . Effectivley banning me until i re take my test correct ?

I say hill it was just a little decline for about 300yds . When you have 28 ton of wood pushing you it soon gets over the limiter . It was not dangerous it was a straight road and i could see the flat just after the little decline. I am sure i was doing 60 at that time because i looked after i seen this big flash lol . Rog i know what you mean they might revoke my hgv licence . Effectivley banning me until i re take my test correct ?

i doubt you will lose your licence. probably get more than £60 fine and maybe 4 points. the only time i have known someone get off a ticket was when a occifer caught them on a hand held laser gun and the said occifer had not been trained in its use.

I say hill it was just a little decline for about 300yds . When you have 28 ton of wood pushing you it soon gets over the limiter . It was not dangerous it was a straight road and i could see the flat just after the little decline. I am sure i was doing 60 at that time because i looked after i seen this big flash lol . Rog i know what you mean they might revoke my hgv licence . Effectivley banning me until i re take my test correct ?

A 28 day suspension doesnt mean you have to retake HGV test, once the 28 days are up you are free to drive again.
a revoke only happens after a serious offence, once revoked thats it, end of the line.

Hi all a few weeks ago i got flashed on the A9 heading south between inverness and perth on a single carriage way (40mph) at 60 mph. After saying yes it was me i recieved a letter this week saying words to the effect of , we deem this excessive speed to high to be dealt with by way of a fixed penalty so we are refering it to the courts ! Now i am 22 already got three points for jumping a red so will they ban me or six points etc ■■? Oh and please no do gooders saying i should not be speeding i know that but we have ALL done it . Thanks rich.

Im sure most of you need to read things twice.
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

This all depends on when you passed your test, if it has been within the last 2 years under licence rules, and the totting up system, if you acrue 6 points you lose your licence and have to retake your test.

This happened to someone i know, but he carried on as he had a latvian/ Eu licence and just didnt take his uk licence out with him ( yes we all know thats wrong)

If its been over 2 years you should be fine. Or it was last time i looked at the legislation.

Yes evidence is everything, you should have received the Notice of Intended prosecution with 14 days of the flash, if you didnt then the prosecution is illegal, therefore challenge it, they have to have evidence, and make sure everything is in order.

Take with you your tacho print outs, and every legal document you may need just incase.

I have passed my test about 10 months ago i am only 22 now. The nip was through after about a week so everythin is legal there.

Have you spoken to your boss yet? :blush:

I think you will need to take some legal advice and if the company will assist you all the better, as it sounds like you will need to take time off work to go to court and you will also need to demonstrate that if the court is considering a ban and fine, that this will cause considerable hardship and loss of livelihood etc etc. Your company should provide a letter to the court to support this.

You should also take some advice on driving loaded trucks, as letting her go past 60mph in a 40mph is not best practice is it? You do have gears/brakes/exhaust brake/retarder fitted?

You should also take some advice on driving loaded trucks, as letting her go past 60mph in a 40mph is not best practice is it? You do have gears/brakes/exhaust brake/retarder fitted?
If you have read all the posts you will notice i have said it was a little decline on a straight road so not exactly a big hill. It was not a 40 as in a built up area it was the a9 just the limit was 40 for hgvs.

This all depends on when you passed your test, if it has been within the last 2 years under licence rules, and the totting up system, if you acrue 6 points you lose your licence and have to retake your test.

Not quite right.

From Direct.gov.uk Motoring and driver licensing.

New Drivers Act
Your driving licence is automatically revoked (withdrawn) if you build up six or more penalty points within two years of passing your first driving test.

Totting-up’ penalty points
If you build up 12 or more penalty points within a period of three years, you’ll be liable to be disqualified under the ‘totting-up’ system. This is shown on your licence as TT99.
Information on your driving entitlement and endorsements are sent to the courts and police on request.

Totting up on a normal licence is diff to when u have passed the last 2 years and revoking, 12 points is a ban, revoking is not a ban.

It also works from when u get ur HGV licence, i believe it works from when you got your Class 2 not class 1.

The person i was talking about in mine has had his car licence for years but had his HGV revoked as it had not been 2 years since he passed his first HGV.

Those are the points i was making.

nobody loves me,
everybody hates me.
the list is endless.
Ahhh!! Come on there Phil: :frowning: :frowning: It,s not that bad, surely Then, again--------- :laughing: :laughing:

s2rich, Good Luck with your case,if/when it comes up. You have plenty of good info on here to help you get ready for your day in court. The only suggestion that I can make, and it is to do with your transport to the court is; Leave the car at home, Sort a lift out ,up there and back, on TNUK. Just in case.