As an ex traffic copper, HGV driver and ab load driver I hope I can put this one to rest.
The authorities look upon abnormal load drivers in the same way as HATO’s. Do what you want, aslong as it’s safe and not something the police wouldn’t do.
As an example, we had a wide load out last night and we stopped the traffic god knows how many times off the motorway and when your on the motorway you can block lanes or start a rolling roadblock shortly before the junction that the truck is going to join the motorway, to enable slower moving traffic. (Bearing in mind the load might hit the top of the slip at 20mph with running traffic at 4 times that)
There is a code of practice in place (If you want to call it that) that advises the best ways to carry out procedures, but you’ll never get a copper ■■■■■■■ a wide load driver for stopping or driving down the road the wrong way.
Running reds is acceptable in certain circumstances, blocking a roundabout is dangerous but perfectly acceptable - The point of a wide load vehicle is to warn and protect the load so having someone jump inbetween you defeats the point of you being there.
Personally, I think it’s crazy to go out with less than 2 wide load vehicles due to the fact most folk these days drive with their eyes shut, but we find that people pay more attention to a wide load car rather than a van so we always insist on sending 2 or more cars even if it does cost us that little bit more.
But the moral of the story is, there is no official authority, but as we work in close contact with the police and other agencies it’s extremely unlikely to ever get done. But to be honest, 7/10 loads are done with police assistance.
With regards to “one wide load vehicle per wagon” it all depends on the circumstances. As an example, a certain police force has given us authority to run 12 trucks down the M6 with only 4 wide load cars and two traffic cars in July.
And all of the above is coming from someone in the job, an ex traffic cop and my mate who is a sergent/part time wide load driver so there should be some truth in it!