Wide/heavy load work

Hi all,

Not sure of many folks that do it on here other than the occasional driver but after a couple of years away from the big boy stuff I’ve luckily managed to get myself a couple of contracts for doing ■■■■■■ work for ab-loads in kitted out motors.

Are there any folks on here whether ■■■■■■ drivers, ab-load drivers or company owners who pull the bigger stuff? Sadly I lost contact with a lot of folk and it would be good to see who’s around these days.

Thankfully out of the blue I managed to secure two contracts lasting 1 and 2 years for escorting loads so getting myself a couple (nearly) new vehicles to do the work with.

I know this side of the industry is very small, often with the fitter driving a van with an Amber light instead of a ‘real’ ■■■■■■, but it would be nice to get in touch with lads doing this job again.


a guy on flickr i subscribe to is from round your way and does ■■■■■■ work, unfrtunatelly everyone i know is in the midlands
try searching for eurodaily on flickr though

the only firm i can think of off the top of my head thats up your way, is West Of Scotland transport.