why spend money on tryin to stop them put them all back on national service, thats my thoughts, if parents can’t displine them let the pro’s do it! might fectch back some order amongst these idiots! anyone else agree?

The guilty should be thrown from the same bridge.
This is a despicable crime. Youth is no excuse.
I’d loaded my car up with family & luggage for holidays some twenty five years ago. Within rwo minutes from home, passing under a railway bridge some kids threw a brick which bounced off the bonnet. I saw them, chased them, and couldn’t catch them Fortunate for them certainly, perhaps fortunate for me.

Drew…whats it like over in Poland and Denmark for teenagers…is it as bad as the scum here…

The ■■■■ side of this is the guy was probably working all those years to enjoy his retirement…thought he’d do a day or so…just for a bit a fun and a few bob…then this…SAD!!!

That kids dad was brilliant…hope they teach the other little ■■■■■ a serious lesson…

They should put a warning out there is a national kiddy fiddler whom starts work after 9pm…that’ll keep them indoors…seen too many young kids out myself at silly hrs of the morning…

Drew…whats it like over in Poland and Denmark for teenagers…is it as bad as the scum here…

The Polish ones you should know about, the young ones over here are pretty motivated and respectful. I think its a breakdown of the family unit as it once was, also its how they might deal with such problems. I can speak of Denmark and Poland only, but the family is alway close knit, very much so in Poland, but still in Denmark, families are very close. In the Polish village we live in, if a kid gets a bit out of step, he or she gets a whack from whom ever, it seems to nip it in the bud and show right and wrong, I do not see old people getting abused by the young ones, never.

In Denmark much the same, I never got any trouble, in a bar you knock a drink over by mistake, you buy a new drink, say sorry, thats the end of it, never feel afraid to go out at night, again young people seem repectful to other people.

Since coming back to the UK, I keep a low profile, I don’t walk in certain places, stay out of harms way as much as possible, I don’t feel safe. The country seems to be weak on discipline from parents, teachers and so on, things like this seem to happen all the time. Not that I hang around school gates in my spare time, but I have noticed the difference between kicking out time at a Polish, Danish and British schools and I really do not think you have much chance of sorting a long growing problem, the UK is far to soft on crime and to the people who give chase to catch them are likely to get the book thrown at them, that is 100% wrong


Waste of space retards,and no doubt let off the hook by the law.
my condolences to his family and friends.
What is/has happened to this country?
Alot of these ‘wild’ youngsters are short of a good beating.Its along the same lines as the mindless thugs that crossbowed a defenceless dog at point blank range (daily mail this week)…what pointless suffering must they cause before being brought to justice,and having a proper sentence to serve?
The law and police force in this country is pitiful,full of do-gooders,all for criminals rights.criminals of any persuasion should have no rights,that is how they should pay for their crimes,like prisons of old,they should be stripped of their rights as they are no longer of use to society.if the prisons get overcrowded,the worst offenders should be shot.
anyway,sorry for the rant,it just bugs the hell out of me

They should publish there home addresses and let the public do the talking,

Maybe when they are overflowing with hate mail and bags of dog [zb] then they might just start to think of the hurt and pain they have caused for the sake of a good laugh,

people like this are not entitled to there privicy at all

Thay should also be made to sit in front of the family of the driver and see just what they have done!!!

Might be a lesson to any other kid that thinks chucking stuff off a bridge is good fun :imp:

Just scan the news for another caring ,talented teenager killed ( Always the same when they are dead ) & think ,‘One less Scroat…’ :laughing:
PS. The driving age should be lowered to 14,that would cull a whole lot more because at that age they always pack six in a car.
Anyway,‘Kill a Teenager Day’ can’t be far away. :laughing:

I like it Monkey nuts…

the worst offenders should be shot.

calm down

Drew…that was fast…I might move to Poland…quite right about slapping the kids…to put some discipline in them…not this talk to the children…middle class ■■■■ rubbish

When the kids do really get out of hand…how strong in both countries do the law come down on them■■?

sorry also Drew…people say the life in europe is of a higher standard…but in what way■■?

no i won’t calm down,im sick to death of these scumbags ruling our country through fear,as they know they will literally get away with murder.
The worst offenders ,i.e the child molesters,rapists, murderers,terrorists,etc,should be shot,as the only purpose they serve is to drain our taxes.
And even our lovely little common or garden thieves should maybe have a 5- warnings- then- death system.

Keep…going…Keep going… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

…but don’t give yourself a heart -attack

just on local news - one released without charge (not even aiding/abbeting?) and two released on BAIL, can see what’s coming - can you? :angry:

R.I.P condolences to the family

I have 2 teenagers ( 19 daughter & 18 son ) I am also a single parent and have been since 1992. I know that neither of them would do such a thing as I have tryed to bring them up with some respect

This happened to me about 2 months ago on th M66, North of Manchester. There is a housing estate in Bury known as “Dickie Bird” which the M66 cuts right through, and it’s a right ■■■■-hole.

One Tuesday afternoon I was travelling southbound past the estate when a brick slammed into the centre of my MAN TGA’s windscreen and cracked it but it did not shatter or break through.

In addition to the 18inch diameter smash in the windscreen, you could clearly make out the powdery outline of half a house brick.

It took me a while to work out what had just happened and at that particular spot there is no hard shoulder to pull over to.

I called in at a local cop-shop, but having zero faith in the British judiciary, I was simply obtaining a crime number for my gaffer’s insurance.

I wonder what goes on inside the tiny minds of the scum who think this kind of thing is acceptable?

I would string the little ■■■■■■■■ up by their ■■■■■■■■!!

I did have a brick or rock thrown at me going along Lumbertubs Way in Northampton just by the Lidls. That time it hit the passenger side mirror housing which then glanced off & onto the passenger window, no damage luckly. With the hammer I’ve had makes two. They say it comes in three’s, this time THEY could be lucky. I’m still nervous about going under bridges when somebodies on them.

looks like the police are following up on this and hopefully the little ■■■■■ will do time :smiling_imp:


no i won’t calm down,im sick to death of these scumbags ruling our country through fear,as they know they will literally get away with murder.
The worst offenders ,i.e the child molesters,rapists, murderers,terrorists,etc,should be shot,as the only purpose they serve is to drain our taxes.
And even our lovely little common or garden thieves should maybe have a 5- warnings- then- death system.

:stuck_out_tongue: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

preach on brother nuts… a man after my own heart.

we should pack 'em all off to australia again!!!

we might be able to win the cricket then as well, 'co the little ■■■■■ round my way all play football!!

Nice to know I’m not the only one. Every time a teenager or kid gets killed all we hear is how wonderful they were and it really pees me off. :angry: :angry: