Why so many sat navs?

Is it only me that wonders why so many east European drivers have numerous sat navs . Surely they can`t be watching all of them.
Yesterday, a chech driver had 3 sat navs, a phone and laptop …WHY

Would you go into battle with only 1 gun?!

I have 2 digi cards :wink:

I remember when a friend of mine bought a new satnav despite his current one working fine. “I’ll try them both together, see how the new one compares” he said.

Two days later I was on the phone to him and heard “Turn right at the end of the road” from satnav 1 followed a split second later by “Turn left at the end of the road” by satnav 2. There then ensured some choice swear words, all of which would result in an “[zb]” on here.

My partner/co driver runs on the philosophy that with 3sat nabs on the go majority wins!!! God help us!!

Navs, laptops and satellite dishes - and they are the drivers that are supposed to be underpaid :exclamation:

Be lost without my sat nav :laughing:

Is it only me that wonders why so many east European drivers have numerous sat navs . Surely they can`t be watching all of them.
Yesterday, a chech driver had 3 sat navs, a phone and laptop …WHY

Now i’m guessing here, i’m not an expert. But i reckon he uses the laptop to get on the internet, the phone for phone calls and the sat navs to see where he’s going? I could be miles off.

Be lost without my sat nav :laughing:

Which one?

Navs, laptops and satellite dishes - and they are the drivers that are supposed to be underpaid :exclamation:

Pffff yeah right, I don’t have a ■■■■ nav because I can’t afford one on my low income…

Now i’m guessing here, i’m not an expert. But i reckon he uses the laptop to get on the internet, the phone for phone calls and the sat navs to see where he’s going? I could be miles off.

Yet more totally unfounded speculation :laughing: :laughing:

I’m guessing there’s one for navigating, a good one bought by the driver himself maybe, then the company issued crap one and the third gizmo is probably what they use to communicate with the gaffer with, qualcomm or smth like that

The foreign drivers only have one sat nav,what you have seen is the communication system with his base/office where they send the driver the unload/reload addresses to save money phoning all the time.
It may look like a sat nav while you are driving past looking in.
Years ago the Dutch and Germans had fax machines in the cab for reloads.

More likely to be one for Eastern Europe and beyond and the other for Western Europe, Britain and Ireland.

Is it only me that wonders why so many east European drivers have numerous sat navs . Surely they can`t be watching all of them.
Yesterday, a chech driver had 3 sat navs, a phone and laptop …WHY

the Hungarian I saw today appeared to be watching Jeremy Kyle whilst flying past me on the A50 :open_mouth:


Be lost without my sat nav :laughing:

Which one?

I’m too poor to afford more then one

A guy at our place has 3.

But to hear him talk, they must be for show, as he knows the way to everywhere!