Why should the locals stop us

whenever im comming from melton mowbray to grantham on the a607 i always branch off just after croxton kerrial [ 1st turning on right ,butty van there] and follow the road straight along , over the a1 and then turn left at the t- junction ,down the hill [b1174] to the traffic lights ,turn right [ next to mcdonalds] and then straight up the hill by the army camp and onto the a52 .
saves hours the way grantham is with all the road works.
now the locals are up in arms wanting a 7.5 t limit as they dont want big lorries using there road, but they also dont want you going through there town centre .
surely if you know a way of getting though there town and out quickly its got to be better , makes you wonder what they do want

They would soon complain if their goods were not in the stores.

they would soon complain if we put up fight to get them banned off the motorways causing havoc with there poor driving.

Hardy a road main for heavy traffic though is it, not an A road nor a B road even. Its become a rat run. To be honest I cant blame them if you lived there would you want enless trucks going through. Grantham needs a bypass ideally but will it ever get one doubt it.

Hardy a road main for heavy traffic though is it, not an A road nor a B road even. Its become a rat run. To be honest I cant blame them if you lived there would you want enless trucks going through. Grantham needs a bypass ideally but will it ever get one doubt it.

and driving through the middle of grantham is now lorry freindly, used to be not bad when you could turn off of morrisonsroundabout and up wharf road, but now having to go round by next is stupid .
and the reason grantham hasnt a ring road is down mostly to those same people, as that road was to be used as part of the ring road but they all objected to there road being part of it.
as i live just off the a1 maybe its time i got it downgraded to a lane so i could get some sleep, didnt have to wash the pvc every week, oh hang on i knew all this when i bought the house so put up with it ,why cant they

Grantham is like many town in that its not designed for modern trucks. Also complicated by the bridges. But fact remains the road is not A or B spec, just someback road. Only because Granthams become less friendly has traffic started using this road more. Thus the locals getting a tad miffed about it. Why worry, just means you got to go a different way earning more money taking longer.

Grantham is like many town in that its not designed for modern trucks.

You mean EVERY town. Well, actually i can think of one exeption…Milton Keynes.

Any road or street that wants a ban on HGV should get exactly what they want.
A 6ft wide physical obstruction that would ban all big vehicles including psv’s, coal wagons, delivery trucks to their local shops and fire engines as well. I would also go with the idea that, whatever the overall percentage of the VED is that comes from vehicles over 7.5 tonne, that figure would have to be met by the occupants of that road for any maintenance etc, as why should truck revenue go where trucks can’t.

Personally I have every sympathy with residents who want to banish HGVs.

They don’t want trucks driving along narrow and unsuitable roads and I personally don’t want to drive along narrow and unsuitable roads.

Anti-truck residents’ aims are the same as mine- proper roads for the traffic- and there’s no point in seeing those who don’t want trucks rumbling past their houses all night long as some kind of “enemy”.

Harry Monk:
Personally I have every sympathy with residents who want to banish HGVs.

They don’t want trucks driving along narrow and unsuitable roads and I personally don’t want to drive along narrow and unsuitable roads.

Anti-truck residents’ aims are the same as mine- proper roads for the traffic- and there’s no point in seeing those who don’t want trucks rumbling past their houses all night long as some kind of “enemy”.

Wise words.

imp said Grantham needs a bypass ideally but will it ever get one doubt it.

how many by passes does it need, its got a good one called the A1 grantham by pass

Harry Monk:
Personally I have every sympathy with residents who want to banish HGVs.

They don’t want trucks driving along narrow and unsuitable roads and I personally don’t want to drive along narrow and unsuitable roads.

Anti-truck residents’ aims are the same as mine- proper roads for the traffic- and there’s no point in seeing those who don’t want trucks rumbling past their houses all night long as some kind of “enemy”.

Fair comment if it is an unsuitable road, but the ones that get up my nose are the ones who buy a house on a busy main road and then start whinging.

I live on a very busy main road that has trucks going past day and night, it can take 15mins to get off the drive sometimes. But if I had wanted peace and tranquility, I would have bought a place down a private drive.
Half of the whingers would then only moan that the grass was making too much noise as it grew though.

imp said Grantham needs a bypass ideally but will it ever get one doubt it.

how many by passes does it need, its got a good one called the A1 grantham by pass

The bypass you mention is a North/South bypass; Imp is referring to the amount of traffic that needs to travel West/East (and vice-versa).

Having said that, if the (small) road is the one I think it is (goes past the scrap yard?) then I don’t think that large vehicles (except services, emergencies etc) should be allowed along there.