Why is nobody posting?

It’s been dead on here for months now and a handful of posts on the main forum in 24hrs is [zb].


What will the sponsors be thinking■■? First, they see drunken dictation orders from the website director/owner/shareholders to the mere mortal membership about what buttons you must press when they visit the site and then they see a rapidly depleting number of daily posts. It’s looking REAL good…

:open_mouth: :unamused: :open_mouth: :unamused: :open_mouth: :unamused: :open_mouth: :unamused: :open_mouth: :unamused: :open_mouth:

May be they is far too many moaners posting at the moment :question: :wink:

To busy clicking on the sponsors :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

click click click click click click click click click :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t think anyone wants to get their head bitten off because everone wants an argument rather than a debate and shoots them down in flames. That sort of thing puts people off .

To busy clicking on the sponsors :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

click click click click click click click click click :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

:laughing: Knew I could rely on you Si :smiley:

I don’t think anyone wants to get their head bitten off because everone wants an argument rather than a debate and shoots them down in flames. That sort of thing puts people off .

No, the discussion is good but the do-gooder flock of sheep keep sticking their fat oars in and war suddenly ensues.


Rob K:
No, the discussion is good but the do-gooder flock of sheep keep sticking their fat oars in and war suddenly ensues.


A question Rob if I may??

Are all people who dissagree with you do-gooders?


Rob K:
No, the discussion is good but the do-gooder flock of sheep keep sticking their fat oars in and war suddenly ensues.


A question Rob if I may??

Are all people who dissagree with you do-gooders?

Not at all Eric. I’m all for agreeing to disagree after all debates and opinions have done the rounds; that’s what makes the debate/discussion good. However, a number of parties insist that their opinion is always right no matter what the subject and ram it down your throat so-to-speak and then the p/a’s start because they can’t have their own way and the dummy gets the boot.


Rob K:
Not at all Eric. I’m all for agreeing to disagree after all debates and opinions have done the rounds; that’s what makes the debate/discussion good. However, a number of parties insist that their opinion is always right no matter what the subject and ram it down your throat so-to-speak and then the p/a’s start because they can’t have their own way and the dummy gets the boot.


RIGHT! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :open_mouth: :astonished:

Rob the number of threads with posts dated from last Friday to this covers jusy shy of two pages in this forum alone. That is the normal, if not a little higher than average, number for a week.

Rob K:
First, they see drunken dictation orders from the website director/owner/shareholders to the mere mortal membership about what buttons you must press when they visit the site and then they see a rapidly depleting number of daily posts.

IF I am reading this right, Rob, I find this remark highly offensive to Rikki … IF I HAVE read it right, I hope you get banned for the offensive nature of the post


Rob K:
First, they see drunken dictation orders from the website director/owner/shareholders to the mere mortal membership about what buttons you must press when they visit the site and then they see a rapidly depleting number of daily posts.

IF I am reading this right, Rob, I find this remark highly offensive to Rikki … IF I HAVE read it right, I hope you get banned for the offensive nature of the post

Whatever. You’re not Rikki. If Rikki finds the remark ‘highly offensive’ or otherwise I’m confident he’ll take action he feels necessary. Whatever his ‘decision’ - should he even choose to make one - I won’t be upset either way.

Perhaps you should read this thread trucknetuk.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=6525 as it would appear from your comments that you’ve missed it (and yes I have seen the follow up thread to it).




The silly thing is, if you have been bothered to read all the posts Lucy is in charge of the forums! & as a friend of Rikki and someone who knows him I can say that the last thing Rikki is. …is a Dictator, in fact quite the opposite. Rikki has provided this web site so we can all air our views, in fact you will find Rikki very rarely nowadays gets involved in discussions we all as drivers have, and he lets us get on with it. Lucy has to make sure we all abide by the rules and almost 100% of the time she gets it right.

We are all here because this site entertains us, including you! Maybe a small bit of gratitude should be forthcoming! Or are you to big for that?

Rob K:


Rob K:
First, they see drunken dictation orders from the website director/owner/shareholders to the mere mortal membership about what buttons you must press when they visit the site and then they see a rapidly depleting number of daily posts.

IF I am reading this right, Rob, I find this remark highly offensive to Rikki … IF I HAVE read it right, I hope you get banned for the offensive nature of the post

Whatever. You’re not Rikki. If Rikki finds the remark ‘highly offensive’ or otherwise I’m confident he’ll take action he feels necessary. Whatever his ‘decision’ - should he even choose to make one - I won’t be upset either way.

Perhaps you should read this thread trucknetuk.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=6525 as it would appear from your comments that you’ve missed it (and yes I have seen the follow up thread to it).

OK, I hadn’t seen the previous thread which you pointed me too … so I read it. Rob, you have gone from being an amusing poster to a rather boring one.
I still think your pop at Rikki, allbeit not as offensive as I first thought, is still another pop at the management of this Board. Please note I had capitalised the word IF because I wasn’t sure about your post.
Perhaps you could do better … let us know the website when you have it up and running … or would it be like that £1000 a week you’ll never find either.

Why are you all fighting with each other? Tut… Did I miss something?

\Maybe this is why people feel the need not to post?

\Maybe this is why people feel the need not to post?

my sentiments entirely m8, even in the short time ive been a member ive noticed a decline,nigh on every post seems to be like a red rag to a bull,soon as a new topic appears the rows start,its very childish imho,ime a member and moderator on a couple of forums and only interfere if the posts are against the rules,if i dont personaly like what someone writes and its within the rules i dont reply…easy…dont like whats being said…dont reply…not rocket science tbh.
with regards to this thread, i took robk’s post as tongue in cheek but people have jumped on this and the cycle starts again,i think if rikki had been offended he would have posted ,so why jump to someones defence when they are more then capable of doing it them selfs…after all…we are all grown ups arnt we ? (or groan ups)

now see what ya made me do :blush:

Just thought i would say a few words on this subject.
i have not posted on the threads for a while because i at times feel that i need to say things that might offend certain members as i have seen.
This is a good site but certain people need to come down to earth as this site is starting to get boring if people are offended by what is said then they should sign of until lucy has looked at the thread and decided what to do.
This site is full of truckers and if we are all honest we are worse than a bunch of women when it comes to ■■■■■■■■ about things.
As i said at the begining i look at the site regular but do not sign on incase i offend certain people.

i have not posted on the threads for a while because i at times feel that i need to say things that might offend certain members as i have seen.

Post away Cannonball, I wouldn’t worry about offending anyone. We are all grown-ups (hopefully) and can handle constructive critisism. Please don’t forget that personal attack is against our rules tho’.
If, however, you can’t handle being flamed, don’t send flamers. Ie, don’t dish out what you can’t take. (That applies to everyone, not just Cannonball :smiley: )

We also have these safeguards in place.
If the auto-censor finds offensive words it’ll censor them.
If a mod’ thinks your post breaks other rules, it’ll be dealt with as we see fit.
If you find a post offends you personaly, make a complaint directly to the mod’ of that forum or to one of our site admins, it’ll be dealt with as we see fit.