Why is it so unacceptable to ask others a question?

I’ve just been reading comments on another thread where a poster was ridiculed for asking a question. It’s not the first time I’ve seen it and was wondering why this attitude exists?
Surely those prepared to ask questions shouldn’t be shot down for it.

Your thoughts?

It’s only unacceptable in interwebland. In real life where physical injury is a distinct possibility, ridicule only happens amongst close friends. :smiley:

Some feel bigger if they can rip the mick out of some else.

I don’t think it’s because they’re asking a question, it just seems to me that some of the questions being asked on here are ridiculous. Some people can’t seem to do anything for themselves and ask the silliest questions on here. Maybe that’s why everyone gets sick of the stupid questions all the time!?

Xfmatt - yes there are silly questions but it seems to be ANY question results in insult.

I don’t think it’s because they’re asking a question, it just seems to me that some of the questions being asked on here are ridiculous. Some people can’t seem to do anything for themselves and ask the silliest questions on here. Maybe that’s why everyone gets sick of the stupid questions all the time!?

That quote represents the main issue

What is deemed silly by some is not deemed the same by others

Perhaps if those that deemed it a silly question simply refrained from answering it then there would not be such an issue but this is the internet …

Maybe I should do a post in threads I am not interested in and stating - I am not interested in this thread !!


I don’t think it’s because they’re asking a question, it just seems to me that some of the questions being asked on here are ridiculous. Some people can’t seem to do anything for themselves and ask the silliest questions on here. Maybe that’s why everyone gets sick of the stupid questions all the time!?

What is deemed silly by some is not deemed the same by others

Always got told the only silly question is the one you don’t ask
(Or something along those lines)

I’ve just been reading comments on another thread where a poster was ridiculed for asking a question. It’s not the first time I’ve seen it and was wondering why this attitude exists?
Surely those prepared to ask questions shouldn’t be shot down for it.

Your thoughts?

What a stupid question to ask. :unamused: :unamused: :smiley:

I’ll always help anyone and don’t mind asking for help, like:
“Where’s the bonnet catch on this wagon?”
“How does this diesel pump work with this key fob?”
“Does anyone know where Avenue road is in Manchester?”

What baffles me from drivers are questions like:
“What does this big round thing in front of me do?”
“How do I disconnect this big trailer thingy from my tractor unit thingy?”
" How do I turn on the orange light that flashes at each corner of my truck?"
“Can I drive for 6 hours without stopping?”
There are things we all should know, the basics if you like. The rest, well none of us are perfect.



I don’t think it’s because they’re asking a question, it just seems to me that some of the questions being asked on here are ridiculous. Some people can’t seem to do anything for themselves and ask the silliest questions on here. Maybe that’s why everyone gets sick of the stupid questions all the time!?

What is deemed silly by some is not deemed the same by others

Always got told the only silly question is the one you don’t ask
(Or something along those lines)

This only applies in the real world. Not on TN :slight_smile:

you are right about the only silly question is the one not asked . I bet the train driver in Canada wished he had asked how the handbrake worked on the train.

Some questions that get asked are ridiculous. Many are not. But when someone asks a question on a forum that any driver, new or old should know, It usually makes people think that it’s a wind up.
When i’m asked a question to my face by a new driver, I will help him out as much as i can without making him feel stupid. It’s funny how people don’t ask ridiculous questions to your face.

the maoster:
It’s only unacceptable in interwebland. In real life where physical injury is a distinct possibility, ridicule only happens amongst close friends. :smiley:

Ha ha, so true.

There is only one stupid question, and that’s the one you already know the answer too, if you don’t know, then all credit to you for asking, saves making dumb mistakes. Too many on here think they know it all, or think that someone else should know all they should know- you can spot them they are the ones who post :unamused: or try to discredit the person asking. They are the people to avoid because most time they have limited knowledge are trying to use the interweb to make themselves look more important than they are.

The ones to listen too are the ones that give a considered and informative response or provide a link to where the question has been asked before without any judgement

there is an awful lot of good folks on here who will expend their time to help you out, there are also a lot of numpties who think they are clever with the one liners and the NTSA comments, it wont take long to learn who is wheat and who is chaff

ask a question on here that is deemed stupid by alot of the experienced drivers, you are opening yourself to have your private life fully examined and opened to the internet, with the added on name calling ect

As I have said before, look what happens when you finally pluck up the courage to ask a question in the real world!

hotel magnum:
you are right about the only silly question is the one not asked . I bet the train driver in Canada wished he had asked how the handbrake worked on the train.

would of been difficult considering it was a driverless remote controlled train but good analogy

Unfortunately unlike the real world there a keyboard warriors that will shoot you down if you ask a question they deem stupid. If you asked someone the same said question face to face you would just get a straight answer but on here not a chance. Alot off it is just a bit off banter but you’ll learn the ones that mean it. I ask questions that I probably should know all the time but normally to drivers I know locally and then someone will ask me something that I think they should know, no body knows it all and it’s one off the reasons I still enjoy the job I like to learn and like to get better at what I do. Some oldies give me advice and I give newbies advice it’s how it should be. As Chris Tarrant would say “there only easy if you know the answers”. :slight_smile:


hotel magnum:
you are right about the only silly question is the one not asked . I bet the train driver in Canada wished he had asked how the handbrake worked on the train.

would of been difficult considering it was a driverless remote controlled train but good analogy

It was first reported as a ‘driverless’ train and I thought that was pretty cool. As it turns out it should have been reported ‘train without a driver’ as he had parked it up and gone home for the night when the handbrake failed.

I don’t mind answering any questions but do wish that more of those that do continued to contribute to the forum afterwards rather than register ask their question and never be heard from again.