If there for the night walk the mile and a half to the village of Lymn.It takes 45 minutes but take a torch and wear a high viz as Jensen Buttons brothers use the road as a F1 test track.
The truckstop is supposed to be 24 hours but it is not.Staff were ill but i do not believe it.
A coach load came in to eat but no food left.They were on the way to Dublin and kids needed feeding.Only cakes left and tea.
In Lymn village there is a Turkish restaurant.About six pubs.Indian restaurants and take aways.
If stuck there for a weekly rest do not give money to Moto.Spend it localy to keep them going not to a faceless giant that employs staff thst moan they have to shut at 20.30 and people have the cheek to be fed on a major international route near huge population areas.
And the WH Smith shop shut for an hour and a half .What was their excuse.Customers saw the lights on but shut.No sign.
Duly noted Toby.
It is ok for a 45 minute break.Breakfast and Mcdonalds there too.A wonder to the village is more sociable than stuck in the cab on a weekly rest.Lots of top totty spotted.
The only good thing about Lymm truckstop is Greggs.
The only good thing about Lymm truckstop is Greggs
Or the two young girls who work there who leave a few buttons undone on the uniform giving you a bit of a view & they know your looking lol
Did the ex copper who worked in the bar used to ring the plod if you had more than a couple of pints late on?
I was told this one night as I was ordering a couple before the bell.
The only good thing about Lymm truckstop is Greggs
Or the two young girls who work there who leave a few buttons undone on the uniform giving you a bit of a view & they know your looking lol
Is that the story in the Sun?
The other good thing is when your at Lymm your not that far from a proper lunch at the Salt box.
You should of parked on Lymm Dam There’s parking for cars and no restrictions from what I could see. I stopped there 2 weeks ago for a half hour break at about 4am. It was so peaceful I over slept
It is ok for a 45 minute break.Breakfast and Mcdonalds there too.A wonder to the village is more sociable than stuck in the cab on a weekly rest.Lots of top totty spotted.
Next time get a taxi to Stockton Heath. Plenty of posh pubs and a good night life.
I was brought up in Lymm. Cherry Lane (Pops cafe to Lymm) is dark & has no pavement most of the way. And most of the restaurants in Lymm are way over priced. Go to Tesco and stay at the lorry park. Trust me…I used to be local!
I once walked, on a winter saturday night, along the A50 to the Bears Paw pub, that was far enough.
A walk to Lymm (about 2.2 miles) might be ok this time of year (as suggested with highviz), but I wouldn’t fancy it in winter.
Ian, the ex copper barman was pretty sound.
The greggs at Lymm will now be inundated with sausage roll orders…
Watch your fuel tanks there at the moment. Load of travellers camped a corner today
It does not matter if your tanks are emptied as it is none of your business and turn a blind eye.
Look at the replies to blind eye post.So travellers doing it you would intervene but a driver taking from his bosses fuel card to fill his car or whatever is acceptable on Trucknet.
Let the travellers take all the diesel.Why not?No evidence that they have stolen it.