Why do some drivers hang out the window when reversing?

Why do some drivers hang out the window when reversing ■■? i find it a bit
strange.I dont find it comfortable or that safe i always just use mirrors !
If i think its that tight that im gonna hit something i stop and get out and
have a look.But there seems alot of drivers that hang out looking backwards
and i wondered if they found this easier than using mirrors ?

Why not? Who cares? As long as the job gets done and nobody is hurt.

NEXT! :sunglasses:

Just i suppose some people do, some dont. I do sometimes, although not completly hanging out the door mind!, but when positioned up, just find it easier to look at the end of the trailer properly out the window.

Unless raining, or likely to be crapped on by birds (sounds about right for the week ive had lol!)

i was tought to pop out of the window when reversing, and thats how i do it now… i dont think there is a right or wrong way, just what u are happy doing

Does it really matter if you hang out the window, use mirrors only, or use a combination of both. Provided that the trailer ends up in the right place, and the manouvre is carried out safely, with due care and attention to others, and without hitting anyone or anything, then the job is done. It’s a case of carrying out the manouvre in a way thats comfortable for the individual concerned, I tend to reverse on mirrors and also check by looking out the window.

I use a combination, depends on the weather… :laughing:

i am the same… tend to use both!

but was taught to hang head out of the window as its better vision than using mirrors!

The mirrors are CONVEX and can give a slightly false view so getting a REAL LIFE look can give a true line especially when new to it - but I still do it after 20 years :exclamation: :exclamation:

I look out of the window if there’s a great angle between tractor/trailer,as I find wide angle mirrors only a general guide,but use the main mirrors when I am straight enough to do so.Hanging out of the door went out many years ago,and I think it would be an instant fail on a driving test now.What’s your view ROG■■?
PS,Don’t hang your head out of the window when doing a blind side reverse either!

Thanks for your replies on the whole alot of drivers seem to have been
taught this way,and are happy doing it which is fine i personally find it
a bit uncomfortable.As Rog says and i agree that sometimes the mirrors
can be a bit misleading when you are backing onto a loading bay or up
against a wall or whatever and i tend to jump out and have a quick look.

Hanging out of the door went out many years ago,and I think it would be an instant fail on a driving test now.What’s your view ROG■■?

a definite fail if you open the door

Evening folks,
A friend of mine just couldn’t reverse without hanging his head out of the window, we then moved onto centre wheel drive vehicles and he still tried to hang his head out of the window!!! :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
Regards Smokinbarrels :smiley:

Sorry im guilty of opening the door to glance out at back end , but once im happy i have it lined up proper i use mirrors with doors and windows shut !

head out the window every time even if it throwin it down cant reverse at all with only the mirrors

head out the window every time even if it throwin it down cant reverse at all with only the mirrors

An old school geezer I used to work with, always used to shout “get your head in, you look like a HORSE BOX” :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i do both, mirrors and head out.
but lets be realistic here.if you are delivering to a shop on a high street where you have to pull past the shop then do a very tight reverse into a narrow alley way at the side of the shop then you are not going to do that on mirrors only, you would be looking at the side of your trailer. unless your a rigid driver that is.

Some of em must spend ten minutes folding back the tie backs and stacking the tassles neatly in twenties before getting anywhere near the window.

I can’t go backwards anyway so it doesn’t apply.

I drive a wagon and drag and it is very difficult to judge the angle of the trailer when reversing using only your mirrors . I therfore usually stick my head out the window to keep a proper eye on the trailer.

i drive a wagon and drag also, you have to stick your head out much harder to see the rear of trl

Im driving 15M long coaches just now so when reversing them at night in the depot I tend to stick my head out the window to see where the fence is. Otherwise I usualy just do it on mirrors. Only tend to stick my head out when backing up to something.