Why do people do this

news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/4201632.stm :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

Leaving to one side the usual concerns about the driver, the passengers, the people who have to pick the bits up etc, the one thing that I can’t understand is…

Why take the kids with you, what did they do wrong?

I am only guessing but… they came from Southall, a very large Asian centre. Maybe she was Asian and had a “not very nice” husband and she decided that was the only way out of a bad marriage. Don’t forget it is not as easy for an Asian woman to divorce her husband!

Don’t forget it is not as easy for an Asian woman to divorce her husband!

Its as easy for an Asian person as it is for anyone else in this country to get a divorce why are Asians any different? we are all governed by the same laws.

In answer to the original posting its the easy way out thats why people do it, some people just cant face up to reality, i have just had probably the worst month of my life and was very very close to being severaly depressed but something just clicks and says theres always tomorrow it might just get better.


Don’t forget it is not as easy for an Asian woman to divorce her husband!

Its as easy for an Asian person as it is for anyone else in this country to get a divorce why are Asians any different? we are all governed by the same laws.


If thats what you think, Jammy, you live in cuckoo land!!

JAMMYMUTT; you have a made a mistake,as the asian way of life is completely different to ours,and weither you belive it or not arranged marriages,““are a way of life”” and do still happen,I do not know how much you are informened about what happens when some one goes against
the family,and will not marry as ordered, There lives become worthless as
a contract killer is paid to ensure that the family name gains its honour
back,HOW; by killing the young lady, and this does and is still happening
and not just in the UK, but any where in EUROPEAN countrys where persons whose land,religion,way of life, TRY looking through the internet
on this subject and then maybe your view of this will be changed

Leaving to one side the usual concerns about the driver, the passengers, the people who have to pick the bits up etc, the one thing that I can’t understand is…

Why take the kids with you, what did they do wrong?

100% Behind you there m8,what did the kid’s do to die this way,she could have left the kid’s with their gran or someone like that. :imp: :imp: :imp:

brit pete:
JAMMYMUTT; you have a made a mistake,as the asian way of life is completely different to ours,and weither you belive it or not arranged marriages,““are a way of life”” and do still happen,I do not know how much you are informened about what happens when some one goes against
the family,and will not marry as ordered, There lives become worthless as
a contract killer is paid to ensure that the family name gains its honour
back,HOW; by killing the young lady, and this does and is still happening
and not just in the UK, but any where in EUROPEAN countrys where persons whose land,religion,way of life, TRY looking through the internet
on this subject and then maybe your view of this will be changed

You seem to forget one thing here! This is Great Britain a GREAT and democratic country where everyone has freedom of speech and the right to many other things including a vote, burning the Union Jack to show disapproval for the country if you want and organise religious hatred ceremonies in the street of you want to.

If the Asian people were to **INTEGRATE with us they too would have the rights we have, but if they choose to follow some ancient law from their own continent/religion then surely this is something they should leave behind isnt itâ– â– ?..

When in Romeâ– â– ?..

I dont care how different the Asian way of life is to mine or yours if they want to live in this country they live by the laws of this country NOT by the laws in their old country or the laws of their religion, if they love their way of life so much then they can â– â– â– â–  off back and live that way of life, Our forefathers fought many oppressing nations to give us the democracy and freedom we have now , and if anyone wants to come and enjoy it with us and live by the law of the land thats ok but when they want to bring their own laws with them thats wrong VERY wrong.

If i offend anyone i sincerely apologise but from being a Scot who has been brought up to have a dislike for the English every day i learn to Love my neighbours and EVERY day i become prouder to be British whether Christian , Muslim, Siekh, Jew or whatever belief you have in something that causes so much ■■■■ ing war the one thing i believe in more every day is my pride in being British free and democratic, i dont like Phoney Bliar but someone voted him in so i have to accept his laws, thats democracy…

P.S. and whilst accepting British law i will be in York castle after dark this weekend if any of you English folks have your bow and arrows with you.

Jammymutt, You are correct in that when in rome,then act like a roman,

which does not unfortunatly happen, and when one says what they feel is correct along comes a politicaly correct person who states we must let
every one do their own thing, and no you can not complain if they are upsetting you as the person who you may be complaining about is one
of those down trodden ethnic minoritrys a white causiccan male /female
of theold and very rare now anglo-saxon tribe,

NO sorry if people any this means any one do not wish to mix how can you change their attitude and way of life,it is near to impossible,

look at the BRITS or GERMANS liveing in spain, they still read,talk,and act
as they would at home so this problem effects us all. where ever we are
and who ever we are as well,

This link was only about a young mother and her 2 children dying.I did not expect it to turn toward’s whether they are black,white or whatever. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Sorry ,did not mean to upset any ,one

brit pete:
look at the BRITS or GERMANS liveing in spain, they still read,talk,and act
as they would at home so this problem effects us all. where ever we are
and who ever we are as well,

If the Spanish feel they dislike people who have moved to their country for their own economic gains and wont integrate with their way of life then the Spanish have every right to dislike those people is that not true?.

The one big difference is that the Brits and Germans who move over their take a substantial amount of wealth with them to enhance the Spanish economy (still no excuse for not integrating) they dont go and leech off its benefit system…

At least british rail can now announce to their passengers something other than leaves on the line…

We apologise for the delay of the 0842 from Southall to Heathrow…this is due to an Asian family who wished to be divorced…and succeeded…

At least british rail can now announce to their passengers something other than leaves on the line…

We apologise for the delay of the 0842 from Southall to Heathrow…this is due to an Asian family who wished to be divorced…and succeeded…

:unamused: :unamused: :confused: :confused:

At least british rail can now announce to their passengers something other than leaves on the line…

We apologise for the delay of the 0842 from Southall to Heathrow…this is due to an Asian family who wished to be divorced…and succeeded…

Being a self confessed racist i thought it was funny :slight_smile::):):):)…

I’ve come on this a bit late, but I’ll chuck my thruppence in for what it’s worth.

I was born and dragged up in the Far East and the Middle East. Dad was with Shell International, so we travelled around a tad. All I can say is that a lot, if not all, the countries out there STILL adhere to the “old” regime. In the Middle East, theft is stiil punishable by removal of your RIGHT hand. The reason being that you use your right hand in POLITE company for eating, drinking and generally having fun. Your LEFT hand is used for yourself and associated pleasures. A lot of Arab countries still go by this rule. So removing ones RIGHT hand stigmatises one beyond belief. If you’re left-handed, you’ve got problems! Women STILL have to wear the Chadour in fundemental Arab families. This covers all their body except their eyes. Mind you, some Arab ladies can give you a look that will curl your toes! Eyes can be stunningly ■■■■■■ if used right…! Then you travel out to the Far East and go “Up Jungle”. Both men and women wander about with naff all on their top half! Where DO you put your eyes■■? The women of the Far East look GORGEOUS until they reach 45-ish, then they age 25 years overnight! Some do manage to keep their looks, but it’s a very few.

Getting back to the thread, divorce is unheard of from the WOMAN’S side, but the men go out and rumpy-pumpy anything in sight. The men can “divorce” a woman at any time, but they stay “married” to them whatever goes on. Women have absolutely NO SAY in what goes on. Sad, but it’s true. Homosexuality is rife in Arab countries, paedophilia more so. But even then, if you have a close Arab friend, their loyalty is awesome. Same with the Malays. But, if you abuse that loyalty, well… you can run, but you’ll never hide…! Again, women are classed as POSSESIONS. You don’t “marry” a woman out there, you take her on as a prized possesion, to be guarded at all costs. Men do what they want. Sounds like a male heaven? NO WAY! The women run the household. It’s beneath a male’s dignity to get involved. The men bring in the Rupees, the women spend them, sound familiar? An Arab and a Malay male have such responsibility to the “house” that it’s staggering. But running the household is womens work.

There really isn’t that much room to put down all that I have learned about these cultures. They are fascinating and complex. There is so much that a Western Male can do that will result in his death or mutilation, that it’s scary! But they expect, nay demand, that their families stick to the rules of their homeland, even when in a more liberal country. And they DEMAND that Westerners abide by their rules when abroad in their countries, even if they don’t abide by ours when in the UK.

I can sympathise with that Mother and her children. Some of the Eastern men are absolute… I can’t put it down 'cos I’ll get ZB’d beyond belief! The richest countries in the world have the worst human relations record.

Go out there and weep for the womenfolk. Theirs is a life of servitude and pain.