Why do drivers in full time employment buy inferior buscuits

Doing a day on the agency today, got to my first collection and been on a bay for a couple of hours now. Starting to feel a bit peckish and this place Iam at is in middle of nowhere and run by 1 man and is dog.

On investigation of the cab is a half opened packet of malted milk biscuits (who the hell buys them)

Is it considered bad form to reach over and eat a couple?

The last time I found myself in this situation all the previous driver had left me were those pink wafer efforts which I found repulsive.
So come on guys think of the agency lads and buy some decent buscuits eh!

And coffee, tea bags, tinned curry etc…

Doing a day on the agency today, got to my first collection and been on a bay for a couple of hours now. Starting to feel a bit peckish and this place Iam at is in middle of nowhere and run by 1 man and is dog.

On investigation of the cab is a half opened packet of malted milk biscuits (who the hell buys them)

Is it considered bad form to reach over and eat a couple?

The last time I found myself in this situation all the previous driver had left me were those pink wafer efforts which I found repulsive.
So come on guys think of the agency lads and buy some decent buscuits eh!

One might have thought that as a profesional driver you’d take suffecient grub off your own, after all in haulage you have to expect the unexpected, such as 2 hour collection in the middle of nowhere. And if you dont like what you find keep your theiving hands out, thats why I allways lock my canteen draw, though I might take to spitting in my morrisons digestives, which I prefer to mcvities :unamused:

Bloody typical Agency driver.
Cannot do it right and steals your grub …and earns more !

Sorry , but I did find it funny.

Doing a day on the agency today, got to my first collection and been on a bay for a couple of hours now. Starting to feel a bit peckish and this place Iam at is in middle of nowhere and run by 1 man and is dog.

On investigation of the cab is a half opened packet of malted milk biscuits (who the hell buys them)

Is it considered bad form to reach over and eat a couple?

The last time I found myself in this situation all the previous driver had left me were those pink wafer efforts which I found repulsive.
So come on guys think of the agency lads and buy some decent buscuits eh!

Couldn’t agree more, those pink things are disgusting. Next time there’s an agency bloke around our place I’m going to give him a Mars bar.

I leave biscuits and sweets in the cab for the agencies to help themselves to. I’d eat them myself but I’d forgotten to wash my hands after wiping my arse before I handled the aforementioned confectionary. I picked my nose and scratched my sweaty ball-sack too. Now the thieving gits can share more than my confectionary.

One of my pals from the dim and distant RSM John Hardy from the Para’s , by your logo you should remember him , he did not beast you enough I reckon , Theft of a fellow driver scram!

& agency drivers wonder why you have a bad rep !!! What gives anyone the right to help themselves to someone else’s stuff■■? A professional would go to work prepared for this kind of scenerio…or is that why agency drivers are agency drivers because they aren’t professional enough at an interview for a full time job :wink:

If on agency, wouldn’t consider it my place to root about in the cab anyway, let alone start nicking nibbles :unamused:

Doing a day on the agency today, got to my first collection and been on a bay for a couple of hours now. Starting to feel a bit peckish and this place Iam at is in middle of nowhere and run by 1 man and is dog.

On investigation of the cab is a half opened packet of malted milk biscuits (who the hell buys them)

Is it considered bad form to reach over and eat a couple?

The last time I found myself in this situation all the previous driver had left me were those pink wafer efforts which I found repulsive.
So come on guys think of the agency lads and buy some decent buscuits eh!

not at all…help yourself.
but ask yourself one question.can you be 100% certain,i hav`nt wiped my ■■■■ on them…well can you :question:


Doing a day on the agency today, got to my first collection and been on a bay for a couple of hours now. Starting to feel a bit peckish and this place Iam at is in middle of nowhere and run by 1 man and is dog.

On investigation of the cab is a half opened packet of malted milk biscuits (who the hell buys them)

Is it considered bad form to reach over and eat a couple?

The last time I found myself in this situation all the previous driver had left me were those pink wafer efforts which I found repulsive.
So come on guys think of the agency lads and buy some decent buscuits eh!

not at all…help yourself.
but ask yourself one question.can you be 100% certain,i hav`nt wiped my ■■■■ on them…well can you :question:

I got caught doing that once, with a packet of savoury ones. The guy who saw me said I was [zb] crackers.


Doing a day on the agency today, got to my first collection and been on a bay for a couple of hours now. Starting to feel a bit peckish and this place Iam at is in middle of nowhere and run by 1 man and is dog.

On investigation of the cab is a half opened packet of malted milk biscuits (who the hell buys them)

Is it considered bad form to reach over and eat a couple?

The last time I found myself in this situation all the previous driver had left me were those pink wafer efforts which I found repulsive.
So come on guys think of the agency lads and buy some decent buscuits eh!

Why don’t you finish off the half eaten sarnies,cakes,Bannanas,apples you all seem so keen on leaving all over the company drivers truck instead of eating there biscuits and no doubt leaving the wrapper and crumbs all over the place :unamused: :unamused: :exclamation: :exclamation:

& agency drivers wonder why you have a bad rep !!! What gives anyone the right to help themselves to someone else’s stuff■■? A professional would go to work prepared for this kind of scenerio…or is that why agency drivers are agency drivers because they aren’t professional enough at an interview for a full time job :wink:

Agency driver = 1 step up from a caravan dwelling tarmac layer (I think the term “■■■■■” is banned on here). Had 1 day off last week and a pair of not cheap sunglasses grew legs and left the cab by themselves apparently. And no they weren’t left on dash…they were in overhead centre locker!!!

Thanks, confirms what I always thought :imp:

I now leave absolutely NOTHING in my cab now after bits have gone missing including a little cash, pens, hi-vis, and food and even a cushion !!.
Pain to take everything out even for 1 or 2 days but I don’t trust them (agency) drivers as far as I could dribble. I even take my little tv out and window cleaner and brush. Nothing is sacred.

Let me come round your house and help myself to a few bits on the way out without you getting upset :exclamation:

Thanks, confirms what I always thought :imp:

I now leave absolutely NOTHING in my cab now after bits have gone missing including a little cash, pens, hi-vis, and food and even a cushion !!.
Pain to take everything out even for 1 or 2 days but I don’t trust them (agency) drivers as far as I could dribble. I even take my little tv out and window cleaner and brush. Nothing is sacred.

Let me come round your house and help myself to a few bits on the way out without you getting upset :exclamation:

Lol in 8 years I’ve been at my place we’ve never used agency we just get made to work later. But things still go missing only pens maps etc nothings sacred at my place but I take my keys home every night and if I’m on holiday I don’t like anyone in my motor it’s the best way! But if we did use agency or i was made to leave my keys i would finish off my hobnobs and leave some asda’s own digestives in for them along with some out off date maps and loads off pens(that don’t work) :slight_smile:


Brilliant. That’ll be why I try to carry everything I can being a “scummy thieving caravan dwelling tarmac layer”, as no-one leaves anything in the zbing cabs where I go. And they laugh at the bag I bring in…Rucksack full to the brim…with my own stuff!!! :laughing:

Waiting to get accused of stealing something when they implement a search of the bag though.

Luckily my permanent job “supplies” most of my consumables for going agency driving and they are very good quality. So it can be easily proved that they are mine as the company I am temping for would never buy that kind of quality stuff so it can easily be proved their all “mine” that I brought with me. :unamused:

I do sympathise with you full timers though, as seeing some of the other agency drivers I’m suprised the vehicles are actually returned :laughing:

However seriously I would never go through a full timers cab, as it usually contains their possessions and that’s not nice and quite a few of them have some serious hygiene issues too!

So I wouldn’t want to touch anything of theirs to be honest! :laughing: Especially when you have to clean the cab for them before you start for the day!


I got caught doing that once, with a packet of savoury ones. The guy who saw me said I was [zb] crackers.

Well I thought it was funny :stuck_out_tongue:

To the OP, malted milk are the food of the gods you Palestine.

When I’m on agency work, I most certainly don’t help myself to other people’s biscuits, sweets, crisps etc, nor would I be rummaging through the cab !! And deem it a no no to go rummaging around through lockers or borrowing cd’s etc,out of respect for someone else’s property.

I take my own kit, and use it , usually end up giving my biscuits away to others ! :laughing:

I used to get boxes of broken biscuits off the gatehouse at United Biscuits in Ashby when I used to go in there years ago. Anyone know if they still do that?